Pearl x MaleReader

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*In this story, you are a human who has no connection with the crystal gems whatsoever.*

Third Person POV:
Pearl sat carefully on a tree stump in the woods area of beach city sadly remembering good Memories of Rose Quartz.

"I can't believe it had to end this way..." said Pearl weakly.

Steven was at a sleepover and the other crystal gems were training outside out on the sand, so Pearl had the day to herself. She could be doing other things, but she couldn't find herself to move.

"I can't move on..."

Pearl heard a noise to the left of her and she jolted up in surprise.

"Rose!?" she yelled in hope.

All she could find was a human climbing an apple tree.

"What on earth are you doing up there?" remarked Pearl.

"Getting apples. Why?" the human asked in a confused tone as the apple fell off the tree.

"N-no reason..." Pearl answered silently, flushed why she didn't know other humans came around these woods.

"Hmmhmm..." the human replied slyly, as he hopped of his position on the tree.

"Who are you?" Pearl asked.

"It's Y/N. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Pearl...nice t-to meet you too.." she replied. She couldn't help, but notice that the human was wearing a pink shirt.

"Why are you picking apples off these trees?" Pearl asked politely.

"Well, you see I have to help keep my family well fed and hydrated, so I have to sometimes resort to picking off apples from apple trees..." Y/N sighed, his H/C hair flowing in the air.

"I'm sorry that you have to resort to that..." Pearl remarked sadly. "You can always ask for some resources if you'd need any."

"Thank you, Pearl." said Y/N gratefully.

"Will I ever be seeing you around here?" the human asked.

"Most likely, yes...I visit these woods quite frequently..." stuttered Pearl.

"There's no reason to be shy..." the human began. "Why are you out so deep in the woods anyway?"

"T-to grieve..." Pearl sighed, a tear coming down her cheek.

The human wiped the tear off her face.

Pearl stared into his eyes with love and hope.

"Tell me about it, Pearl."

*Hope you liked my first chapter! Please request and comment! It helps me! Say if you'd want a part 2!*

Steven Universe Characters x Reader 1 ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora