in betweeny

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this is just a fun little thing I decided to do, just imagine she has this flashback as she gets out of the car at her new school, comparing now to then, before Damon and the undead 

-Mwah xo



“Excuse me, are you Ashlin Fell?” The timid freshman asked, peeking behind her glasses.

“Who’s asking?” I fired back, annoyed she’d disturbed me from kissing Tyler Lockwood to make up for the hot new guy, Stefan Salvatore, who’d brushed me off this morning. My new nearly best friend Vicky Donavan watched from the other side of the picnic bench, a little jealous.

“Mr Saltzman, the new history teacher wants to see you and Jeremy Gilbert in his classroom right away” She blinked at me a few more times, then blushed a little at Tyler, cringed when she saw Vicky light a cigarette and generally looked like a deer in the headlights. “What did you do this time Ash? Elena will eat you if you and Jeremy are have done shit already” Vicky said, and Tyler laughed.

“I haven’t done shit, but yeah, you can leave now, you’re inbalancing my chakras” I say to the nerd, who blinked again

“Inbalanced isn’t a word” she said, blinking again “It’s unbalanced.”

I widen my eyes at her in a ‘go away or you will not make it back to your Mommy’ way, and she scarpered. “Yo, Jeremy!” I yell, slinging my battered dark green canvas messenger bag over my shoulder and standing up. Jeremy was stood with a group of guys that fitted the genre of everyone here perfectly, apart from Tyler. Tall, extremely skinny in a ‘We don’t eat because we’re stoned all the time’ way, with big circles under their eyes and shaking hands. Jeremy wasn’t that bad yet.

“Yeah?” he yelled back over to me, smiling a little.

“Some teacher wants to see us, let’s go” I gesture with my hands and wait for him. He wanders over and looks me up and down. I look scruffy and like I haven’t eaten or slept in a week, which is true, blame TV for putting on all the good stuff at like 3 in the morning, like last night I stayed up till 4 to watch Neverending Story.

So I’m dressed in the same, light blue denim tight jeans that I wore yesterday, oversized transformers t shirt I found at the back of my closet from somewhere, doc martens and a dark green khaki shirt and my battered black tall dr martens.

He ambles over, we start walking back through school. Elena and Bonnie nod at me as I walk past with Jeremy, I half smile back, not sure if they’re acknowledging me or him, he smiles aswell. We get to Mr Tanners old room, I’m guessing Jeremy is also failing miserably at history and mouthing off at dick Tanner aswell.

Jeremy goes to the door first as I trail behind him. “Mr Saltzman? I’m Jeremy Gilbert, you wanted to see me and Ashlin?” I roll my eyes from behind Jeremy. He waves us in and my first impression is, wow, hot and why did I think it was a good idea to watch the stupid movie last night and not put on any makeup today, because I look and feel like crap.

“Did you know that your old history teacher had a jackass file?” He said, he has a nice voice. Me and Jeremy take a seat. “No Joke, typed on the label. It has all the , er , troublemakers in it”

Wow great, Mr Tanner I love you too.

“But really it’s just an Opus to you two” I don’t know what opus means, but it sounds like it means a lot of stuff about us. I look at Jeremy and roll my eyes, making a cut throat gesture. Mr Saltzman laughs, gets up from his desk and throws the file in the trash can. “Don’t worry, I’m not him. Clean slate. “ He perches on the end of his desk infront of us. “Now , let’s talk about grades”

Immediately, Jeremy starts waffling “I know it’s been a tough couple of months but I’ve been trying to turn them around”

“I saw that, but the problem is we’re halfway through a semester, and half a fail is still pretty bleak” he turns to me and says “This is the part where you turn to me and say ‘what can I do to change that?’” I humph at him and fold my arms sulkily.

“I’m glad you asked” he continued though neither one of us said anything. Funny guy, this new teacher. “Now, how do you feel about extra credit?”

“Yeah, totally, whatever” Jeremy said

“Good.” Saltzman turns to me. I smirk.

“Write me a paper”

“About what?” Jeremy asked

“History, pick a topic, keep it local, no Wikipedia regurgita. These old towns have a lot of rich history, just get your hands dirty and make it sing and get back on track”

“Ok, thanks.” Jeremy said and shifted his back more onto his shoulder. “Hey, that’s quite a ring”

“Thanks, it was my fathers, a little garish, but you know, family heirloom. You have a week” He called as Jeremy left the classroom. He looked at me right in the eyes, something most people couldn’t do without flinching.

“I’m not doing the extra credit” I say, plain and simple


“Because I don’t want to”

“I think you should” He says calmly

“I should do a lot of things. Doesn’t mean I do them.” I head to the door.

“Ashlin, is this a bad year for you, then you can get some help.

“Bad year? Try bad decade. Nice meeting you Mr Saltzman” I walk out of the classroom, and wonder when my mother will come back home or whether I’m going to have to dip into my tiny college fund to buy groceries as the money she left is running short and bills are coming.

An Ashlin Fell Story (Vampire Diaries Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now