Time to play catch up

Start from the beginning

"Nothing, honey," Drew said, getting a plate of food.

I hate to say it, but my sister is a royal bitch now. I don't hate to say it, I will say it. Damn.

A few minutes later, Scarlett waddled in along with Matt. Neither one looked happy, and I'm guessing Scarlett was giving Matt hell with how freaking miserable he looked.

Scarlett took a seat next to Liz. "The next baby we have, you're carrying Matt!"

"Hopefully, there isn't another one," Matt mumbled.

"What?" Scarlett asked, daring my brother to speak.

"Nothing," Matt muttered.

Dad looked at mom, and they both smiled. I guess this is what my brother and sister get for giving my parents a run for their money when mom carried them.

"Well, on that note, I have to go help Liam," I said, getting up and getting out of the fire line. Anything is better than home right now with two hormonal pregnant women. Well, that was until I got to Liam's house.

I knocked on the door. The door opened quickly, and someone yanked me inside, closing the door. I saw Elijah and Davina's bundle of joy in the living room.

"Who the hell would leave you in charge of a baby?" I asked in disbelief.

"My brother thought it would give me a chance to have a bonding experience with my niece," Liam said in frustration.

"Where are the others at?" I asked.

"Well, mom and dad went out of town. JJ and Lydia skated out of here quickly. And Mel, well she's crazy plus she doesn't know a thing about babies," Liam answered me.

Just then, the baby started crying.

"Don't stand there. Pick the baby up," I told Liam.

"Like how?" Liam questioned.

"I don't know, like how one would pick up a baby," I reasoned.

Liam reached down and picked the baby up, holding her at arm's length.

"Now what?" Liam asked, holding the baby away from him.

"I don't know, bounce her or something," I suggested.

Liam started moving her up and down, still at arm's length. As Liam was dealing with trying to get the baby to stop crying, there was a knock at the door.

"Get the door," Liam ordered.

"You get the door, it's your house," I countered.

"Kind of busy here," Liam said.

"Fine," I said, walking over to the door and opening it only to find Nik there. I grabbed him and yanked in inside the house.

"Damn, I didn't know you cared RJ," Nik said to me.

"I don't. But you're familiar with babies," I said.

"That hurts," Nik said, feigning hurt.

"Shut it," I said.

Nik looked to see Liam holding the baby and started laughing. "Dear God, what is wrong with you? Have you never held a baby?" Nik questioned Liam's parenting skills.

Liam looked at him. "No," he told Nik.

"Give the baby to me," Nik said, taking the baby and cradling her. Then he started talking to her, and she stopped crying.

"Oh, thank god," Liam groaned.

"Uh guys, I think she needs a diaper change," Nik said to us.

We looked at each other and quickly said, "Not it."

Saintwood: Game Over ✔️ (Wattpad version)Where stories live. Discover now