thirty six

157 21 49


And when, when the night falls on you baby

You're feeling all alone

You won't be on your own

     Martin left Ava's room with tears in his eyes and a heavy heart. He didn't want to think about what he was told, but he couldn't escape it. Whenever he closed his eyes all he could see was what happened to Ava and what she went through those seven years. He could still hear Ava's voice in his mind. He asked if she wanted a female officer to take her statement, she said no that she preferred if it was him. He couldn't say no to her. She confided in him. Martin promised himself he would get justice for Ava.

   "Dad, how did it go?" He looks back at his daughter not understanding how someone could hurt another human being in such a horrific way. He's seen many of cases, but nothing quite like this one. He shook his head. He doesn't want to imagine what he would if something like that ever happened to Blake. He would kill the sick bastard.

   "She's the strongest girl I have ever met." He knew that mean something because of everything he has seen in his line of work and especially because of what his own daughter went through.

   "Thank you, dad for being there for her." He hugs his daughter tight and kisses the top of her head.

      "You should go inside, she needs you." As soon as Blake walked inside Martin made the call to the police station.


  "YOU RAPED MY DAUGHTER YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH!" Scott yells at his brother as he pushes the monster to the floor. Nobody held Scott back as he continued to punch Ben, everyone wanted to do the same thing. They all knew what he had done to Ava and believed he deserved it. The doctors nor the nurses came to his aid.

   "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING SCOTT! SHE'S LYING!" Ben tried to move away from Scott but every time he did Scott would punched him harder. Shawn and Abdul were ready to help Scott, they didn't care about getting arrested. Abdul even asked Blake for her walking stick and the only reason she didn't give it away was because she wanted to use it herself on the sick bastard.

   "HOW DARE YOU CALL MY DAUGHTER A LIAR?" Nicholas wanted to punch the grin of Ben's face but held himself and the others back. He warns them, that this was the last thing Ava needed.

   "She's sick and needs help! I'm your brother, you're really going to believe her over me." Scott wanted to correct Ben saying he was only his half-brother. That he didn't deserve that title after what he did to his daughter.

  "She's my daughter! Of course, I'm going to believe over you fucking rapist!"

  "Scott, I think that's enough." Martin and three officers separate the brothers.

   "Ben O'Brien you're being charged with multiple sexual assault charges against Ava O'Brien. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law," the officer begins to read Ben's Miranda rights.

   "This is ridiculous!"

   "You have the right to an attorney-"

   "This is all a misunderstanding. Ava is a very sick. She suffers from substance-"

Unraveling Ava (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now