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I would like to say a big thank you to all the lovely readers. My story has reached 1.1k reads, something I never thought possible. It's a big accomplishment for me and it means the world that there are people out there reading and enjoying my story. Thank you again. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's a bit of an emotional roller coaster but it's very meaningful to me and will talk about a very important issue.  

Above his Shawn played Grant Gustin. 

I would also like to dedicate this chapter to @english-rain her stories are pure gold and Why He Jumped, is one of my all time favorites with very important messages and something everyone should read.


With no place to go, 

no place to go to dry her eyes

Broken inside 

TRIGGER WARNING (Mentions of depression and sexual abuse) There will be another warning ahead. 

     Nobody gave up on me, no matter how much I pushed them away. My parents, grandpa and Blake continue to visit me every day. It was harder for Abdul, he had to get a job since he quit his last one and needed to help his mom around the house. He still comes to visit me, even if it's only once or twice a week.

     I kept trying to avoid them, but my nurses insisted that I needed the interaction, that being around my loves one will give me the strength to get better. They probably got that that from a cheap Hallmark card.

   "I saw Jamie yesterday, I took him out for ice-cream with my dads. He misses you." I miss him too. I feel like I haven't seen him in months, I try to imagine the sound of his voice, his bright smile and dimples but even that memory is slowly fading away.

     Last night Ben brought over a drawing Jamie made for me. I was so excited, but like everything that comes from Ben, it came at a price. He forced me on my knees just so I could see the drawing. Part of me wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I was lonely and missed my brother terribly. The drawing made me feel closer to him, he drew us and wrote me a small letter.

Sis I miss you, daddy and mommy say I can't see you. I hope you feel better soon. I love you. Ben says I can't give you any sweets so I drew you a KitKat instead.

     I placed it under my pillow and look at it every night before I fall asleep. It gives me a sense of security and the right amount of strength needed to get up every morning.

   "I promise once you get out of here we're going to have a movie marathon with your favorite junk food. My dads will even make us a fort like last time." The flashbacks invade my mind but instead of bringing me joy, they bring distress. Shouldn't those memories make me content?

   "So, how are you? Is it getting easier being here?"

   "Yeah, I'm fine," I say too quickly.

   "Ava, you're not fine. It's okay do admit that." She squeezes my shoulder, I look away from Blake making her hand fall to her lap.

   "It's doesn't matter Blake." I should have told my nurse I didn't want to see anyone today, she wouldn't have listen to me anyway. Nobody ever does.

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