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Dedicating this chapter to @millie_ her stories are incredible and if you haven't read Saving Sawyer then you need to. 

Maybe one day I'll be back on my feet

And all of this pain we'll be gone

   "Checkmate!" I won! I won!" Jamie jumps rapidly. He wanted me to show him how to play chess but after five minutes of me trying to explain the rules of the game, he simple told me I got this sis. He by no means had it. I didn't want to ruin his excitement, so I didn't bother saying anything. We played whatever we were playing, that wasn't at all chest and he won. He's smiling and that's all that matters to me.

   "Best two out of three?"

   "Come on sis, don't be a sore loser." Wait what? That wasn't even chess!

     I don't get the opportunity to respond. The front door opens and we hear our parents calling out for. Jamie runs pass me and by the time I arrive by the front door he's hugging grandpa and then Ben. He stands by his mother side thankfully not even sending a glance my way. She whispers something in his ear which makes him roll his eyes. Good, I hope he's having a terrible day and that it only gets worse.

     I turn to my grandpa who already has his arms up in air. "Come here sweetheart and give your grandfather a hug."

     I do. He always gives the best hugs.

   "I missed you," I whisper to him.

   "I missed you too, sweetheart. I'm sorry I couldn't come visit you when you were in the hospital." He looks back at his wife with an awful, annoyed expression. At least I know where I get mine from. When his eyes come back to meet mine, they're gentle and he's happy.

   "Don't worry, I'm glad you're here now."

   "Ben, can you help me bring the suitcases upstairs?" My dad asks. Ben doesn't reply but helps my dad anyway. Ben's mom follows them upstairs without saying a word to the rest of the family. I don't understand how my grandfather can be married to a woman like that. He deserves better.

     Mom and Jamie head to the kitchen to bring snacks and drinks, and grandpa and I go sit down in the living room couch.

   "How was the car ride here?" I hold his hands, they're still soft and warm like they were when I was younger.

   "Long, but it was worth it." He smiles.

   "I'm really glad you're here, I haven't seen you since summer."

   "It feels more like years. You look beautiful Ava, just like your grandmother when she was your age. You have her eyes." His eyes sadden at the mention of her, but he tries to recover with a fake smile. He tries to change the subject and asks me about my studies, yet I can tell his mind is elsewhere. He seems to cheer up a bit when the rest of the family joins us. Mom made everyone coffee and hot chocolate for Jamie and me. Dad starts the fireplace and even turns on some music for us. Everyone seems to be having a good time, except the Devil and his mother. They try not to let it show, but I could see right through their insincere smiles. They keep to themselves all throughout lunch, Ben even sits next to his mother instead of me.

   "You don't mind Ben, right? I just want to spend more time with my granddaughter."

   "Not, at all dad." I notice him grit his teeth in silent fury. Nobody seems to notice since they're talking to one another or eating; I make sure to flash Ben a bright smile as he sits down next to his mom.

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