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I want to dedicate this chapter to @cavesecho I'm currently reading her story Pieces of You, and it's incredible. Make sure to check it out!

Fight on, got no choice but to fight until it's done

When I found out Ben was going to be out of the state for a whole month I couldn't stop smiling. At the end day, my cheeks were in pain, but I didn't care. I felt like I was given an opportunity to breathe and to live again, I wasn't going to waste it.

My family and Blake's spend New Year's together. Our dads organized a barbecue at Blake's house, Abdul came over for a few hours but left early to be with his family. Alfie and Winston got along extremely well, Jamie played with them the entire day. He kept saying he was in dog Heaven and that when he's older he's going to have fifty dogs. After it got dark, we headed over to the waterway by the mall to watch the fireworks. Surprisingly, it was a tradition both our families did.

Minutes before the countdown began my mom handed out gold, thread bracelets, it was a tradition in her family to wear them to star the new year and to make a wish by tying a knot. Martin gave each of us a plastic cup with twelve grapes each, he told us that each grape is for a wish for the upcoming year.

I closed my eyes as the countdown began.

First, I wish for mom to go back working as a chef. I know she misses it and gave up that dream to raise Jamie and me.

Secondly, I wish for dad to have less hours at the hospital. I know the stress is getting to him and I want to spend more time with him while I still can.

I want Jamie to enjoy his childhood as much as he can. I don't want it to be tarnish like mine was.

I wish for Martin and Thomas to be able to adopt another child. They been talking about it often, but keep facing issues and setbacks. I know that Blake also wants a younger sibling, she would be an incredible older sister.

I wish for my grandfather to find peace and happiness. He deserves it more than anyone.

Six and seven for Blake to be able to go back to college as soon possible and to get her sight back, I know it's impossible but still. I know she misses at times even if she acts like she doesn't.

I wish to be valedictorian.

I wish for Abdul to get everything he deserves and more.

I wish not to go back to my old ways.

I wish for Ben to be gone for good.

Lastly, I wish I didn't have to leave for Kansas after I graduate.

I open my eyes once I hear the countdown ending. I notice Blake on her last grape, she notices me watching her and takes my hand as she makes her final wish. She smiles, together we count down the final seconds. We all wish each other a happy new year. For a moment, I missed Abdul as I watched our parents kissed, I wondered if I looked that happy when I'm with him. After the countdown Jamie gave Blake and me a kiss on the cheek.

Blake and I sit on the roof her dads' car and watch the fireworks together. We share a blanket and she rests her head on my lap.

"Tell me about the fireworks."

"A bright pink and sun yellow just hit sky...... followed by a neon blue and purple one" I tell her about the rest of them and she takes her glasses off keeping her eyes close. She raises her hand to the sky almost to touch the colors in the sky.

Unraveling Ava (Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant