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Dedicating this chapter to @TahliePurvis she's one of my favorite authors on this site as well as her stories.

Hey heart on the road again

Moving on forward   


      On Wednesday, my mom finally got her wish on meeting Blake. Our families agreed on helping together at the homeless shelter since none of us celebrate Thanksgiving. Beforehand Blake's parents wanted to meet mine so they invited the whole family over for dinner. Thankfully Ben nor Stephanie were coming, she wanted to go shopping in the city or something like that, I try not to pay attention when she speaks, since it only aggravates me.

   "My mom has been a nervous wreck, she's acting like she's meeting the president." I tell Blake through the phone.

   "People tend to act that way when they find out they're going to meet me. I can hardly blame them."

   "Hardy har har, you're so funny. I think my stomach is about to burst."

   "I should probably drop out of college and be a stand-up comedian. I would make millions."

   "You could have your own late-night show."

   "It will be call, Blake after dark." We both laugh.

   "Hey, my mom just finished getting ready, so we should be there soon." I hang up the phone now that everyone is finally in the living room and we head off to the Valdez house.

     When I told my parents about Blake's dads they didn't seem to mind, I was bit worried about explaining it to Jamie, since he was much younger. It didn't faze him, he was a tad bit jealous that Blake has two dads, but that was it.

   "Bienvenidos familia O'Brien!!" Martin welcome everyone with a kiss to the cheek and a tight hug.

   "Welcome everyone, would any of you like something to drink?

   "You got any lemonade?" Jamie asked.

   "Sure kid, pink or original?"

   "Is that even a question? Pink please!" Thomas went into the kitchen while the rest of us sit in the living room. Blake comes out a few minutes later, without her walking stick. She's wearing a stripped red and black shirt dress, similar to mine which is black and white.

  "Hi everyone, I'm Blake." Mom rushes to her side giving a tight hug almost tripping each other to floor.

   "Sorry sweetie, it's just really good to finally meet you."

   "It's quite alright. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Ms. De Donato." She smiles and introduces herself to grandpa and Jamie, since she has already met my dad before.

   "Hi, you must be Jamie, your sister has told me a lot about you." She sits beside him.

   "Hi Blake, you're really pretty. I like your glasses. Why do you have to wear them indoors?"

   "The light sometimes hurt my eyes and I get really bad headaches. Do you want to try them on?" She lets Jamie try on her glasses, he notices her burn scars and frowns. He surprises everyone by kissing her cheek. "Mommy and daddy always kiss my scars to make me feel better."

   "Thank you, Jamie, you're very sweet." I notice her wipe a tear away from her eye. Thomas places his hand on her shoulder and she leans to his side.

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