BirthDay Bash

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Aphmau's Pov

I wake all jumpy and happy because it was my BIRTHDAY!!. I look over to Aaron who was sleeping peacefully and I decided to wake him up because it was my birthday and I can do whatever I want.


Aa-*Shoots up*WHAT HAPPENED UH...Aphmau..


Aa-I know that but can you come here for a sec

A-Okay.*Leans in*

Hehehe we getting sone romantic love action here :3

Aa-*Kisses her* Happy Birthday Aph

A-*Blushes*T-Thank You

Aa-Well come get dressed and head to the park there is a surprise for you there


{Back to Aphmau's Pov}

I get out for bed and did my hair and brush my teeth and this is the outfit I put on.

I get out for bed and did my hair and brush my teeth and this is the outfit I put on

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And Aaron had wore.

We had left the house and headed for the park

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We had left the house and headed for the park.
When we got there everyone was there standing under a banner that said HAPPY BIRTHDAY APHMAU! and that's when they all seen me and said HAPPY BIRTHDAY APH!. Then I hugged them all and said thank you. After awhile we talked and opened presents, and ate some cake. Then me and Aaron had left around 6 and he had took me to a beautiful hill with a picnic.

 Then me and Aaron had left around 6 and he had took me to a beautiful hill with a picnic

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We sat down and talked until Aaron got up and pulled something out of his pocket.

Aaron Pov

I had pulled out the little box that had the ring. She had stood up as well and said "Aaron y-your n-not pr-""No im not doing that maybe some day".

Aa-Aph I just wanna say that every night as I lay on my bed, your thoughts being to fill my head. When I fall asleep in my dreams it is your pretty face that I see. With you my angle, life feels so right, your smile fills my heart with delight. It makes me feel happy that im alive, I always seem to want you by my side. Now I shall make this promise to never leave you.
*takes Aphmau's hand and slides the ring on her finger*

A-*Cries*That was beautiful *Hugs Aaron*

Aa-I just want to see you happy *Hugs back*

A-Hey Aaron?

Aa-Yea Aph

A-Thank you for this..This is the best Birthday ever *Kisses Aaron*

{Back to Aaron's Pov}

We stood there for awhile and then headed home. I just wanna see her happy. I just want this. I want us. I want us forever.

Wow this took me ages even though it seems short.Well I did get a little help from my friend maya she is my bff and she always gives me ideas on wat to write on this book so yeah. Cya around

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