I Trusted You...You Promised..

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Well uh I'm sad.. I have school and the gave us homework on the first day.. But luckily I did it before I got home hehehehehe but anyway enjoy the story!

Aphmau's Pov

Today was the day where we start heading to our classes. We got our schedules right when we were done with moving the boxes into our dorm.
I got up took a quick shower, put my hair in a messy bun, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I had on a black crop top with a white skirt and black boots.
I grab my bag and phone and headed out my room to meet up with everyone else. The first person who I seen was Aaron. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and waited with him until the others were done getting ready.

After a couple of minutes everyone was ready and we headed out the door.

A- Ugh time goes by quick, maybe a bit too quick don't ya think?

D- It is what they say "time flies when your having fun"

K- Yup! I also have math first period..

KC-Poor Katelyn~Sama.. I have English

Z and D- Same here

G- I have.. Social Studies

L and T- Samee..

G- What class do you have first Aph?

A-Oh I have uh.. Art! Yay!

Aa- Same!

K- You guys get the better class when we have the boring ones..

A- Aww Katelyn.. Don't worry we will see each other at some point today

T- We get to see each other for lunch. Maybe we can eat lunch at our dorm and then chill until its time for class again

L- Yeah that's a good idea

KC- Mhm! Kawaii~Chan can make cookies!


G- Oh Zane

Z- H-Hey I like cupcakes..

A- *Laughs* Well we should head to our classes, we don't wanna be late

All- Bye!

We went our separate ways as the day began. Me and Aaron headed over to Art. We walked in and took a seat in the back for the class room. When I walked in I scanned the room and all the girls were looking at Aaron. I elbowed Aaron and whispered to him "Those girls are staring at you.. and I don't like that". He then put his arm around my waist and whispered back "I don't care, I love you not them". He then kissed me on the cheek and I then look over to seen all the girls with a sad experssion on their face.

After class Aaron said he seen a friend of his. He grabbed my hand and dragged me over with him. His friend was a she. She was familiar.... I just can't figure it out. She had pink hair and have a pale looking skin color. That's when it hit me. Ivy. I hate that girl so much. She bullied me for no reason and she would always say that Aaron was her boyfriend, but I didn't know that he was friends with "her".

{I-For Ivy}

Aa- Hey Ivy!

I- Hey Aaron! *walks over to Aaron and Aphmau*

I- Hi uh.... What is she doing here?

Aa- What do you mean? This is my girlfriend Aphmau, Aphmau this is Ivy, Ivy this is Aphmau.


I- Hi...

Aa- Uh.. Anyway how was your summer Ivy? 

I- Good! You?

Aa- Yeah! I had a fun summer

I- Cool! We should hang sometime

Aa- Oh..Okay!

A- Aaron we should head to class...

Aa- Okay, See ya later Ivy!

I- See Ya!

After that... We walked to our next class. I had English with Katelyn and Aaron had math with the guys and Kawaii~Chan. I waved goodbye to Aaron and walked to math. Apppatently Katelyn had math in two periods. I laughed at the thought and sat next to her.

When class was over we were aloud to have 2 hours of free time to our selfs. So as I walk out of the school to head back to our dorm I seen something that broke my heart into pieces....Ivy and Aaron.....Kissing. I guess Aaron seen me and started walking to me. I made a run for it before he got a any closer. As I ran I felt warm tears fall down my face. I made it to our dorm got out my keys and slammed the door shut and went to my room.

Ivy's Pov

I seen Aaron waiting out side and I approached him. Thats when I decided to ruin things with Aphmau.. How can he even like that girl anyway
So after we had that little chat. I kissed him and I guess Aphmau seen and ran away, but he followed her of course. That should change things up a bit.

Aaron's Pov

As I was outside waiting for Aph I seen Ivy. She then seen me then came to me.

Aa- Hey Ivy! Whats up?

I- Oh nothing really~

Aa- Ivy? Are you okay?

I- I can't resist *Kisses Aaron*

Aa- Hmph!

I look over her shoulder and seen Aphmau brake down in tears. I push Ivy away and ran after her. She went our dorm and went in her room. She shut her door before I can even stop her. Then I talked to her in front of the closed door.

Aa- Aphmau its not what it looks like..

A- Yeah! Sure! I'm probably seeing things Aaron! I SEEN YOU KISSING HER!



Aa- Aph...It wasn't what it looks like..She kissed me..

A-..I trusted you Aaron....You promised..and you broke that promise..

Aa- Aphmau...

A- Just leave me alone please... I think we need some time apart..

Aa- No..Aphmau please..

After that there was no response. At that point..I could stand my self. I'm going to talk to Ivy about this and give her a piece of my mind. I ran out the dorm furious and headed back to Ivy and pushed her on the ground.

I- Ow!

Aa- What the hell Ivy?! Why did you do that?! You know I was her boyfriend!

I- I know! I just don't like her. She is not your type I am

Aa- Ivy! You have to understand I don't like you! Or love you! I love Aphmau not you!

I took off back to the dorm hoping that she will forgive me and believe me. But when I knocked on her door no answer. At this point I thought Katelyn could help. Aphmau and Kateyln are basically sisters. So she could help this situation. I started to make a plan until it was time to back to class.

I will get her back..

Don't ask why I'm up so early but here is the chapter! Woo. Hyped. Lmao. Anyway hope you in like the story.

Aarmau(Summer/College Year)Book 1(Finished!)Where stories live. Discover now