Spring Is Here

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Aphmau's Pov

I wake up to the smell of breakfast. I get up out of bed and felt the cold air touch my body and sending chills down my spine. I go over to the bathroom in my room and took a quick shower, put on a light purple jumper with some light purple sneakers, and
put my hair in a high ponytail.

When I was grabbing my phone I seen that I got a call from a unknown number. So I went down the hall into the living room and seen the guys watching football and the girls talking while drinking coffee at the diner table. I went over to Aaron and tapped him on the shoulder and told him to come over. He got up and asked what's wrong.

Aa- Hey Aph, what's wrong?

A- Oh nothing its just this unknown number..it called my phone while I was asleep and I wanted you to check it out..

Aa- Oh okay let me see the number

Aaron's Pov

Aphmau handed me my phone. I look to see if I know the number and I did. It was my dad. I look over to Aphmau who was just staring at the phone in my hand. I told Aph that I was going to call the number back just incase its someone I knew. She nodded her head and went over to Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan and started to chat away.

(That be me in class lmao)

I walk in my room and called back.

{D-For Drerrick who is Aaron's Dad}

Aa- Dad!? Why did you call Aphmau's phone?

D- Because I was going to invite you and her to stay over at our place for Spring Break and because your mother and Melissa wants to get to know her more..and because its about time since me and you had some Father and Son time.

Aa- Well that's weird, because I was going to call and ask if we can go over there anyway because...there is somethings I need to tell you..a lot..

D- Well now since you guys are coming over we can speak about it when you get here

Aa- Thanks Dad

D- For what?

Aa- For understanding

D- Oh.. well your welcome

Aa- Yeah. Well see ya tomorrow?

D- Ohhh about that..

Aa- Dad..

D- Me and your mother already booked a private jet for you and Aphmau to fly you to Miami in 3 hours

Aa- DAD!

D- What! Im sorry it was your mother's idea..

Aa- Okay! Well see ya there in a bit I guess!

D- Okay!

I hang up and rush into the living room. Everyone looked at me like I just ran a whole 5 blocks or something.

G- What's wrong dude? It looks like you just ran 5 blocks or something

KC- Yeah Aaron~Kun.. Are you okay?

Aa- Im fine! Well sorta..

A- What's wrong?

Aa- You know that number that called you?

A- Mhm..Why?

Aa- That was my Dad. Him and my mom booked us a private jet to Miami and we need to be there in 3 hours!

A- OMI MIAMI! LETS GO GET PACKING.*goes into her room and starts packing*

Aa- But what about everyone else?

D- Its fine Aaron. Go have some fun with Aphmau. We will be just fine

Aa- Well then if thats the case... Katelyn is in charge while we are gone!

G, Z, L,KC,D- What! That's no fair!

Aa- I mean she is responsible

Z- You got us there

Aa- Well I need to pack see ya! *goes in his room and packs*


   We arrived at the airport in exactly 3 hours and Aphmau was excited the whole way there. We rushed in the airport and looked for a guy that had my last name on a small white board. Aphmau saw him and rushed over to him dragging me with her.

Aphmau's Pov

I dragged Aaron over with me to the guy and he showed us to the gate that led us to the private jet. I stood there and adored that jet. I noticed Aaron nudging me and grabbed my hand walking in to jet. When we got on we took a seat by the window and I look outside the window. After awhile I look over at Aaron and seen he was listening to music while sleeping? I guess because his eyes were closed.

I put my head on his shoulder as I fall into a deep sleep.

Aaron's Pov

I feel Aphmau's head on my shoulder and looked over to seen she was asleep. I called over one of the guys that were on the jet with us and asked how long. He told us we will be there in 2 or so. I nodded my head in response and laid my head on hers and closed my eyes as darkness consumed me.


Aphmau's Pov

I wake up to her a announcement on the speaker saying that we are now landing. I shoot up in excitement and wake up Aaron.

A- Aaron wake up! We are here!

Aa- Mhm...


Aa- Okay! Okay! Im up

A- Come on your parents and down there!

Aa- *Shoots up out of his seat* What?!

A- See look

I move over to show Aaron that his parents were down there. His face was shocked. I look out the window as well and seen Melissa and waving at me. I waved back and nudged Aaron.

Aaron's Pov

Aphmau nudged me and gestured me to go. I moved out of the way and she passed me going to get her bag. I looked out the window once more a thought

This is going to be an interesting spring break...

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