Graduation Surprize

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12 years later..

Aaron's Pov

Today is the day.All 12th graders graduate on to college or whatever us kids do.I drive over to Aph's place.She texted me saying that Travis, Katelyn,Kawaii~Chan,Zane,Dante,Lawrence,and Garroth were at her place.I pull into the driveway and get out the car.Then Aphmau comes out running with her light purple short dress and hugs me.

Kawaii~Chan then comes out the door fangirling like crazy which attracts everyone else to come out."Kawaii~Chan what's...Oh hehe"said Katelyn.Everyone just laughed while me and Aphmau blushed like crazy.We all got in the car and talked about our plans for the summer.

A-Aphmau,Aa-Aaron,K-Katelyn,T-Travis,Kc-Kawaii~Chan,Z-Zane,D-Dante,L-Lawrence,and G-Garroth.

K-So Kawaii~Chan what are you going to do over the summer?

Kc-Kawaii~Chan was going to hang out with everyone but I don't know you guys plans.

D-It's okay Kawaii~Chan I'm not doing anything over the summer.I'll hang with you.

L-Yeah dont feel down me and Garroth were planning to hangout this summer too.

G-Dont forget about Zane.

Z-Wait! I never sai-


Z-Fine I will love to hang out with you too Kawaii~Chan.

A-Yeah I'm not doing anything too.

Aa-Neither am I.

Kc-Ahh! Kawaii~Chan is so happy!.I get to spend time with you guys


{Back to Aaron's Pov}

I pull up into the school's parking lot and park.That's when Katelyn yells 'Let's do this!"and runs out of the car.We all start laughing and got out the car.Me and Aph walk besides each other while everyone else walked in front.That's when Aphmau said"Maybe over the summer I can get tickets to go to sky zone for everyone.""Yea that would be nice Aph."We walked in the school and into the auditorium.A teacher tells us to sit in our seats that were given to us .I sat next to Aphmau and she sat next to Katelyn who sat next to Travis. We were in the front row and Dante,Zane,Garroth, Lawrence,and Kawaii~Chan sat in the second row.Slowly but shortly the graduation began but Aph didn't know what I was planning something special.

Aphmau's Pov

The auditorium was full of Family and Friends.The principal gave a educated speech and lecture.During that Aaron and Katelyn feel asleep so I slap Aaron's leg and slap Katelyn's Arm.Then they both wake up and say "Ow..".Then I just laughed until Aaron was called on stage.

Aaron's Pov

I was called on stage because of the surprise I was doing.The light from the stage shined on me and Aphmau.The look on her face was just priceless.That's when I started to sing.

*Play song*

What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright
My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
'Cause all of me
Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh oh
How many times do I have to tell you

Even when you're crying you're beautiful too

The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood

You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you
My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh oh
Give me all of you
Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts
Risking it all, though it's hard
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you
I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, oh oh

{Song Ends}

Katelyn's Pov

Aphmau was just shocked.We got to stand up and she walked on the stage.But to be honest they do make a great couple.Aaron liked her ever since they met.I looked around and seen that everyone was taking pictures and video's.

Aaron's Pov

"So Aph what do you say?"'Will you be my girlfriend?".That's when the crowd went wild and screamed "Say yes" and the most of the girls were just fangirling like crazy.That's when she said "Yes".So I pulled her in for a kiss (Which she did take hehe..if you know what i mean) and she accepted it.Everyone clapped and cheered,then the principal came and took the microphone away from me and told us to sit back in our seats.After awhile of more boring educational speaking,the principal called all the seniors that were graduating and gave us our diplomas.After the graduation was over the gang went straight to Aph's place to decorate the place so we can celebrate.So the rest of the day was just going to be me and her.

Aphmau's Pov

I can't believe he did this for me.The gang probably knew about it and never told me about it.I didn't see them so I ask Aaron, "Where is everyone else?"."Oh um they had to do something so you're with me now"."Oh okay and um Aaron?""Yea Aph?""T-Thank you for what you did""Thank you for what? You deserve that Aph you are special to me.I will never leave you."Aww that's sweet"Thank you but come on i'm going to take you out for lunch.""Okay".We leave the school and I drive to Applebee's.

Aarmau(Summer/College Year)Book 1(Finished!)Where stories live. Discover now