The Promise Ring

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Haii peeps and I was thinking for making a Travlyn book. Leave down in comments if I should make a Travlyn book. Now on with the story.

Aaron's Pov

I wake up around 8 o'clock and seen that Aphmau was still sleeping. So I get dress trying not to make as much nosie. While getting ready I decided to get Aph a promise ring. After what she said last night it kept replaying in my mind over and over again. I left a note on the kitchen counter to let Aph know im out.

I left house around 9 and head out to get the ring. I had to go to the ATM first so i can take out some money. I took out 2000 dollars out of my parents account since they let us do that and head back in my car and go to the jewelry store.

Aphmau's Pov

I wake up to hearing a door close. So I turn to see if Aaron was asleep and he wasn't there so I go downstairs to check if he was there and nope he wasn't there either but I found a note that was left from saying that he was out. So i turn on the tv and watched some gravity falls until he comes back from where ever he went.

Aaron's Pov

When I got to the jewelry store it was pack and to my surprise they had lots of promise rings. I take a look at them and look for the perfect one. That's when one caught my eye. It had a light purple diamond in the middle and purple was her favorite color so I call over a worker that seemed to be free and came over here.

W-Good Morning sir how can I help you today?

Aa-Yes uh can I see that ring right here?

W-Sure! *Takes ring out and hands it to Aaron*

Aa-*Takes a look at it* It's perfect I'll take it

W-Okay let go over to that counter and pay over there while I wrap this up for you


{Back to Aaron's Pov}

I walk over to the Counter and pay. Surprisingly it was exactly 2000 dollars. I pay and the guy handed me the ring in a red velvet box I took it and went back to House. But on the way there I called gang and told them about the ring. I told them I was going to surprise her next week Friday because that's her birthday. When I got home Aphmau was watching Tv but when she saw me she hugged me and we both sat on the couch and watched so tv. I so happy to be with someone who understands me, caress for me and loves me for who I am. I cant wait to surprise her with this ring.

I know I know its a short chapter but I am doing a contest. This contest is for you to be in the next chapter. There will be one person im picking so yea. I just need the name of the character, and y u want it to be featured in the book.Oh and don't forget to tell me if i should or should not make a Travlyn book.

Word count:552

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