"Louis," he replies, shaking his hand. Samuel's hand holds his for slightly too long, and Louis starts to feel uncomfortable. "So," he says awkwardly, removing his hand from the strange man's and smoothing out the hair on the back of his head. "Do you have floor pillows?"

"Yeah, over here by the poufs. Let me show you," he smiles, taking Louis's wrist and pulling him across the store.

"Um, O-kay?" Louis says, allowing the taller man to drag him.

Louis isn't sure if he's being flirted with or if his hormones are acting up, but a random stranger grabbing his wrist doesn't exactly make him feel comfortable. He decides he's probably overreacting.

"Here they are," the man says, releasing Louis's wrist. Louis was definitely overreacting. Pregnancy hormones are kind of a bitch.

Louis looks up at where Samuel motioned and sighs. Of course the only pink one is on the top shelf where Louis can't reach. He's tall, he swears, but the shelf is taller. He's tall, okay?

"Shit," he grumbles under his breath. He rolls his eyes and pushes himself up on his tippy toes, stretching his arms as long as he can. "Well that really boosts my self esteem, doesn't it?" he mutters to himself, pulling his shirt back down to cover his tiny baby bump. It's there, but still not really noticeable with clothes on.

"Need help?" a voice says from behind Louis, making him jump. He quickly spins around and sees that Samuel is still standing near him.

Louis gives him an awkward smile. "If you could."

Samuel nods and reaches up to the top shelf, grabbing the pink floor pillow by the corner and bringing it back down to Louis.

"Oh, that's a big pillow," Louis laughs, stating the obvious and taking the pink plush from the man. "Thanks for the help, Samuel," he smiles and begins to turn away to find Harry.

"Louis," Samuel says, placing his hand on Louis's bicep and turning him back towards him.

"What, can I not take this? Do I have to order it, or-" Louis starts, confused.

"No," Samuel laughs. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Oh, um," Louis says awkwardly, noticing that Samuel's hand is still resting on his bicep. "Well-"

"Excuse me?" Louis hears Harry say from a few feet away.

"Hey, Harry," Louis smiles.

Harry's lips are pressed in a straight line but he gives Louis a tight smile, glancing back and forth between the hand on his arm and the person connected to the hand on his arm. "Hey, love," he replies, wrapping his arm around Louis and flicking the random other bloke's hand off of his arm. "Thanks for finding the pillow," he smiles down at Louis.

"Um," the two boys hear Samuel say. "I'm Samuel," he says to Harry, holding out his hand.

"I'm Harry," he replies, ignoring the hand held in front of him. "and I would really appreciate it if you stopped flirting with my boyfriend." Sarcasm oozes from his mouth as he gives the other bloke - Harry can't be bothered to remember his name - a death glare.

"Harry, he wasn't flirting," Louis says, his cheeks turning red.

"Oh, no, I was," Samuel says with a smile and a nod.

"Okay, well, he's pregnant, so you can just be on your merry way now, mate," Harry says harshly.

"Alright, alright, have a good day," Samuel rolls his eyes, walking away.

Louis sends an annoyed glance to Harry, and Harry shrugs. "What? I don't like people flirting with my boyfriend," he says, placing a kiss on Louis's temple.

"Jealous, much?" Louis teases.

"Maybe," Harry rolls his eyes.

"You said I was pregnant with your child, Harold," Louis laughs, adjusting his grip on the pillow.

"I didn't say it was mine," Harry argues, taking the floor pillow from Louis's arms.

Louis scoffs. "It was implied."

"Okay, I was jealous, you got me, can we go now?" Harry whines.

"Did you find something to put the TV on?" Louis laughs.

"Yes, and a rug and a lamp," he sighs.

"Alright, let's go pay then. We can keep shopping later," Louis complies, standing on his toes to peck Harry on his cheek.

"Thanks," Harry grumbles, tucking the pillow beneath one of his arms and wrapping his other around Louis's waist to lead him to the front of the store.

A/N: I high key hate this chapter bc it's literally so unimportant (and badly written) but idk I think jealous Harry's cute so I included it instead of erasing it from the notes on my phone lmao (I literally have most of the rest of the fic on my phone)

Anyways, Louis finds out the sex of the baby in the next chapter, but I won't be able to update for at least a week bc I'm a camp counselor, sorry :( I already have it written though, so I'll just need to copy, paste, and edit, so it should be up on Monday or Tuesday!!

Q: Do you think the baby's a boy or a girl??

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