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Annabeth's POV:

"Why won't you let me see him?!" I exclaimed, trying to get past Will and into Percy's room, once again.
"Annabeth, just listen to me!" He snapped, finally grabbing my attention. "You can't go in there because he might not be ready! Out of all the people that he knows, you're the one that matters the most to Percy. He's in bad shape right now, and he might not want you seeing him like he is. If you go in there, it could potentially trigger something, maybe an emotion, or a memory. And that can be very dangerous if he reacts violently. We just ant risk it yet. Not until Mr. D has had a look and helped Percy to get better."
"And how much longer will that take?" I asked, trying not to get impatient. I know Will is just doing his job, and what's best for Percy, but that doesn't make this any easier. Not for me anyway.
Will sighed. "That's...unclear." He replied. "It could be a matter of days, minutes, or even weeks. There's no real telling. Remember, this is all experimental."
I nodded, and turned to leave.
"I'm sorry, Annabeth." Will called after me.
I didn't reply. All I did, was walk.

Will's POV:

Dionysus was in his first session with Percy. I prayed to all the gods everywhere that this worked. I mean, if anyone could do it, Dionysus could.
And, even though that is a sentence I will never say aloud, he was what we got.
The very god of insanity himself.
Of course, he's only here for selfish reasons, and doesn't really care for any of us, not even Percy. But still, it's a start, and it's the only solution we had at the moment.
If the wine god couldn't pull this off, I'm scared to think of where we'll be.
Nico kept trying to reassure me, but have you ever been reassured by a son of Hades? It's not the best therapy.
Though, I couldn't help but just be happy that Nico was trying to be positive. I know he and Percy were close. After all, how could they not be? They'd survived so much together on the Argo II.
And, in case you're wondering, yes, I know about Nico's ex-crush on Percy. I'm not hurt by it.
Not at all....
I looked up as Dionysus exited Percy's hospital room.
"Well?" I asked eagerly.
The god looked at me like I was an annoying toddler. "He's resting. Give it time. Don't disturb me."
That's all he said before leaving.
What was that even supposed to mean?!
I walked over to Percy's door, and slowly looked into his room.
Percy was laying on his bed, seemingly asleep, and covered in sweat. He was mumbling deliriously in his sleep, which worried me. I quickly wet a rag with cold water and wiped the sweat off of his forehead.
Percy soon ceased his mumbling, so I turned, and left him to rest.
Give it time. Just give it time.
I kept repeating this to myself over and over again, trying to remind myself that sometimes you have to get worse before you get better. But still, I couldn't think of any way to tell this to Annabeth.
She's going to kill me...

~Time Skip - Ten Minutes Later~

"Will, what are you talking about?" Annabeth yelled at me. "'Get worse before getting better'? Do you even hear yourself?!"
"We are doing whatever we can to the best of our abilities." I tried to explain gently.
"Gods!" Came Annabeth's reply. "You even sound like a doctor!"
"Hey!" I said. "What's wrong with doctors?"
Annabeth sighed, now seeming to calm down. Finally. "Nothing. I know you're doing your best, and there's no easy way to say things like that. It's just...hard."
She seemed close to tears, and I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to say, so I hugged her, and kept her wrapped in my arms as she sobbed against my shoulder.
"It's going to be okay." I told her. "We'll help him. I promise."

The Other Side - A Percy Jackson FanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt