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Will's POV:

I wasn't completely sure that I'd heard the words correctly.
"Dionysus?" I asked.
Annabeth nodded. "He said he wanted to speak with you about Percy, but nothing else. Stubborn old fool wouldn't even talk to Apollo about it. And for his sake, it better be that he's going to help Percy, or I swear to all the gods-"
I cut her off before she did something she could grew to regret. "Annabeth," I said. "Calm down. I'm sure he wants to help Percy. He probably just wants to talk to me because I'm Percy's primary caretaker at the moment."
She nodded, calmed herself, then led the way to the throne room of the gods.
Dionysus was there, waiting for us to arrive, but led me out of the room, away from everyone else, and, only then did he begin to talk.
"Okay, first things first, Bill."
"Its Will." I corrected.
"Whatever. As I was saying, what's in it for me if I help this kid, Perry Johnson?" Dionysus asked.
"It's Percy Jackson."
The wine god sighed. "Whatever."
I rolled my eyes. "Well, since the since you have no interest in the camp, I guess it would give you a bit higher credit among the campers."
Dionysus yawned in mock boredom. "I am a god, Mr. Solone, I have no higher...'credit' than that!"
"Solace." I muttered, trying my best to remain calm. "Well, then if you help Poseidon's son, then Poseidon may be in your debt. And it never hurts to have one of the big three in your debt. Plus, it might also help shorten your sentence to Camp Half-Blood."
That last bot got to him.
"You think Zeus will take a few more years off my sentence?" He asked eagerly.
I nodded. "Absolutely."
Dionysus took a moment to consider this, then nodded, coming to some sort of a conclusion. He then turned to me.
"Okay, fine. I'll help. But only because you so desperately need me." As he said these words, I let out a breath that I hadn't known I'd been holding. "What's his condition like?"
"Well," I began. "He seemed close to hysterics last time he was awake, then, just now, he kept blaming himself for all this chaos. He doesn't seem to remember Ouranos at all."
"So what's the problem?" Dionysus asked. "If he's not hysterical, and not destroying anything, what do you need me for?"
Just then, as though it'd been waiting for an entry line, the ground beneath our feet began to shake.i immediately thought to Percy, while Dionysus assumed it was Poseidon.
The god of madness flashed us to the infirmary, and we rushed quickly to Percy's room just as the tremors stopped.
When we got there, the door was already open, and Piper was inside, saying comforting words to Percy, and calming him down.
There were tears that stained his cheeks, and he looked worse than he'd been all week.
My hearts was pounding and my voice shook with worry and concern as I entered the room.
"What happened?!" I asked.
But Piper didn't turn away from Percy, who was pale as a ghost and shaking.
"Shh," she said. "It's okay, everything's fine."
I was looking over Percy's vitals, and began to relax. It's okay. It's fine now.
"Shh, you're okay, Percy. Just relax, hon." She whispered.
Without meaning to, I felt my muscles relaxing, and Dionysus placed a firm hand on my shoulder and walked me out of the room as Piper began putting Percy to sleep.
"The last thing we need is for his doctor to be unconscious." Dionysus told me as I came out of whatever amount of charmspeak I'd been under.
"Sorry." I said, but he just waved it off.
"I can see why you need me. If he has another episode like that, it could be enough to tear Olympus down. Especially after all the damage Ouranos has already done. We don't need anymore."
"Trust me, I know." I replied. "So, you'll help us?"
Dionysus rolled his eyes at me. "I do believe that's what I just said. Now, as soon as he's conscious again, I will begin...fixing him. It'll take a while with the amount of real damage I can sense."
I didn't care that it'd take time. I was just glad he was helping in the first place. "Thank you."
Dionysus scoffed. "Don't thank me yet."

The Other Side - A Percy Jackson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now