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Annabeth's POV:

What have I done?
Percy was gone. What was I going to do? How would I explain this to the others? I had to tell them the truth!
I ran quickly to find Chiron, and he called an emergency meeting.
"What is it Annabeth?" Jason was asking.
"Percy left the camp." I told them, and explained what had happened. "I didn't know what to do! I'm so sorry!"
"It's okay Annabeth," Jason said, though I knew he was only trying to comfort me.
"What're we gonna do now?" Leo asked.
"Well, we can't just leave him alone." Said Jason, "So, we need to find him. Annabeth, do you have any idea were he's going?"
I shook my head, "but he said he'd Iris Message me when he got there."
"We can use that."
"Um, guys," Leo said. "Maybe we should call the others for help with this one. They're Percy's friends too."
I nodded. "Leo's right. Well need all the help we can get with this one."
"Okay," Chiron said, "Leo, go and Iris Message the camp, tell them to only let Frank, Hazel, Calypso, and Reyna come, and that they should be careful if Percy comes to them. Don't tell them why, not until they get here."
Leo nodded and ran of to create a rainbow.

Calypso's POV:

I was with Hazel, talking about how much the world has changed over the time we've both been gone, when Leo Iris Messaged me. He was frantic, worrying if I was okay, then asking if Percy had come to the camp.
"No, we haven't seen Percy. Why?" I told him.
"You can't trust him, not right now! Listen, we need you, Hazel, Frank, and possibly Reyna to come to the camp. We'll explain more when you get here, but Chiron didn't want to risk an Iris Message."
I nodded and swiped my hand through the mist, ending the call. "We need to find Reyna." I told Hazel. She nodded and we both took off running to find her.
We found Reyna and Frank together, and I quickly explained what Leo'd said, while Hazel went to saddle Arion.
We left for camp almost immediately, right after telling the campers where we were going and why. Then we were on our way to Camp Half-Blood.

Percy's POV:

I was walking through Manhattan when the hellhound attacked. This was the second hellhound to attack me today. There were also three dracaena, and a cyclops.
I finished the hellhound off quickly, and started walking again. I have a feeling that I'll be seeing a lot of monsters while I'm away from camp. That's just the way things are with demigods, especially only a little over two weeks since Gaea fell.
I didn't know were I was going, all I knew was that I wanted to be near my mother's apartment. There was an abandon factory, only a few blocks away. I could stay there, until I figure out what to do next.
I guess that's as good a start as any, I thought, as I began walking in the direction of the factory.
It would probably take the rest of the day to get there, seeing as I'd spent all my money on a cab to Manhattan, and would have to walk there. I didn't mind walking, but it wasted so much time.
Be patient. He said. There is time enough, for what we have to do. For what we will accomplish, together.
I didn't question Him. He'd tell me if and when I needed to know. I trusted him.
As you should. He whispered into my mind. We will do great things, you and I...
Yes. We will.
I continued walking, until I got the feeling that I was being followed. That was when I heard the footsteps.
Turning, I saw one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen, and that's saying a lot, since I'd seen Aphrodite herself.
The girl smile, a beautiful, bright smile that could light up a dark room, and said. "Hi, I'm Lucy,"
"Hey," I replied, sorta staring at her.
Lucy giggled a little, and twirled a piece of her hair. "You wouldn't happen to know where the nearest bus stop is do you? I'm new around here."
"Uh..." I said slowly. "Yeah.... It's over...." my voice trailed off as I saw Lucy stepping closer to me. She smelled oddly of flowers, and... animal fur? Weird, but I felt slow, and she was really distracting...
"Hey," she said, stepping even closer, "Your cute..."
Percy! He said. Snap out of it! That's an Empousi!
I quickly raised my guard, and suddenly saw fangs about to bite into my neck.
I jumped back and drew Riptide, ready to slice the things in half.
"Come on... you don't want to do that.." she said, trying to get close again.
Before she could do anything else, I swung Ripetide, cutting off her head, which had sadly, reminded me of medusa.
Good. He said. But next time, be ready before hand. Don't let them trick you so easily.
Right. I'm sorry.
I made it to the factory just after the sun had set, sitting down on the hard floor, and taking a blanket out of my backpack.
I settled down, using my backpack as a pillow, and slowly drifted into sleep.

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