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Ouranos' (Percy's) POV:

I knew this was going to be fun!
I entered the throne room to find the gods arguing (nothing shocking there) about what they should do about the threat. In fact, they were so caught up in their own petty arguments that they barely noticed that the 'threat' had walked right up to them. Maybe this would be easier than I'd thought.
Finally, Athena noticed my presence and alerted the other gods. Poseidon looked especially shocked.
"Percy?" He asked, though I'm sure he knew who I was. I smirked as my guess was confirmed. "Ouranos, what have you done to my son!?!" He roared.
I chuckled. "Oh, don't worry." I said. "He's perfectly fine. For now. And I won't need him for much longer. Not that I could use him for much longer is I wanted to."
"What does that mean?" Poseidon asked, his rage mixing with fear for his son.
"Well, Percy is burning up. He's felt it, it's made him weak and faint at times when I let him have a bit more control. And as he gets weaker, I get stronger."
"Leave my son alone you filthy parasite!" He shouted, as though that would scare me. I just laughed as Zeus grew tired of this and threw a bolt of lightning at me.
Poseidon cried out, believing his son to be lost to Hades, then he saw me, standing perfectly still, completely unaffected by the bolt.
"Wow," I said in a mocking voice. "That almost tickled. Almost."
The gods stared at me for a moment, then, Ares over came his shock and I was suddenly locked in hand to hand combat with the war god. He managed to land a few hard punches, but I was too powerful. I barely felt his blows, and every time I hit him, it was ten times as powerful as when he hit me.
I threw the was god back against his thrown, cracking the foundation. Ares roared in outrage and, instead of a frontal attack, something slammed into me from behind.
"Ow!" I yelled. Wait...that hurt? But that's impossible!
"Ow?" Asked Jason, who'd hit me in the back of the head. "You can get hurt."
I regained my composure. "No!" I snapped at the blonde. "Zeus couldn't kill me, what makes you think you can hurt me?"
"Well," Jason replied. "You did just yell out in pain."
I scowled at him and punched him in the gut hard enough to throw him back through the way he'd came and against a wall. The son of Jupiter then fell to the ground, were he lay motionless. I hoped he was dead, though couldn't tell for sure because it was then that the gods decided to attack me.
Ares charged from behind, Athena from the side, Artemis and Apollo drew their bows from their thrones, Zeus and Poseidon from the from, Aphrodite went to see what was going on outside (coward) and, well, you get the idea. The fools fought me, as I knew they would. But in the end, I was the clear winner.
The gods lay around me, ichor pooled around each of them, and I laughed as I licked the warm, golden liquid from my fingers. I hadn't even used a weapon.
They were still alive of course, none of them deserved a quick death. I'd just decided to tie them up and and start their torchere when I heard a gasp from behind me.
There were demigods helping young Mr. Grace, and Annabeth had walked into the room, an expression of shock and horror on her face, that soon mixed with fear and anger.
I laughed at this, and turned away from her, kicking Athena's unconscious form out of my way. That's when Annabeth snapped.
She roared in rage from behind me an charged with her new dagger.
The blonde Athena spawn tackled me to the ground and held the blade to my throat. I could see tears in her eyes.
The same stormy grey eyes I fell in love with.
Wait - no!
I wanted to shake the thoughts clear of my head, but the blade was still pressed form to my neck. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see some of the gods stirring. I needed to get up.
"Percy." Annabeth said. "Please come back."
Tears were rolling down her face now, and I slowly reached up to wipe them away.
No! I wrenched my hand away and pushed Annabeth off me and quickly backed away from her.
What is going on?
The gods had recovered my now, and saw how I reacted to Annabeth. Athena told her daughter something I couldn't hear, and Annabeth wiped the tears away and made her way towards me.

Annabeth's POV:

I walked over to Percy-Ouranos, whoever it was.
He backed away from me, then seemed to think better of it.
"Really?" He asked. "This is what you fight me with? All Olympians can't take me down, and you send a mere demigod? Pathetic."
But I kept walking, sheathing my knife as I approached.
Percy was beginning to look a little nervous, and his eyes, I noticed, were a bit lighter. More like Percy's.
I was right in front of him now, and he seemed to be struggling. Ouranos would've killed me by now. The fact that I was still alive proved that Percy was still fighting with whatever strength he had left.
Suddenly, he lunged forward and held me by my throat, choking me.
Ouranos pushed my up against a nearby thrown, and the demigods in the room lunged forward to help, but the gods interfered, knowing my plan. Not that it was a particularly good plan, but it was still a plan.
"P-Percy..." I managed to gasp. I couldn't breath and every second it was getting harder. I gently placed my hand on Percy's, and his eyes seemed to soften.
"Annabeth?" He asked, and he let me pull his hand away. I knew I had to be gentle, and keep him focused on me as Apollo snuck up from behind. This had to work.

Percy's POV:

My Wise Girl pulled my hand away, and I could feel the anger of Ouranos as though it were my own. I expected her to attack me, and was about to do the same to her, before she kissed my hand gently. That act, that one little act made all of my anger melt away.
This was Annabeth. She wouldn't hurt me. What had I been thinking?
But, wait, she did try to hurt me. Earlier, she tackled me, and held her knife to my throat. I felt the anger come back, and Annabeth seemed to notice this.
Annabeth leaned towards me. My body tensed, ready for an attack, until she pressed her lips gently onto mine. I relaxed, and she wrapped her arms around my neck, and whispered comforting words into my ear. She started gently rubbing circles into my back, and I felt my eyes suddenly grow heavy, so I closed them and relaxed. I wanted to stay there, just like that forever.
Then, I felt a hand on my forehead, one that wasn't Annabeth's, and a wave of exhaustion washed over me.
I felt Annabeth and someone else supporting me as I fell, and just before I closed my eyes, I saw Apollo's face. Then everything faded to black.

Quiz time!

Q: What monsters were chasing Percy when he first met Rachel E. Dare? (The Oracle)

The Other Side - A Percy Jackson FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora