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Calypso's POV:

"This is bad. This is very bad." I said to the others, as they restrained Percy's limp form, tying his arms and legs to the bed posts.
"You know who it is?" Asked Leo.
I nodded, and they all stared at me, waiting for me to continue.
"We should wait for Will and Annabeth." I said.
"We're here." Will announced, as he and Annabeth came in from some other part of the infirmary.
Annabeth looked confused. "Why are we keeping Percy in the infirmary?" She asked. "Wouldn't it be safer to keep him somewhere more... secure, like the Big House?"
"I want to keep an eye on him here." Will answered. "Just to make sure he's healthy and-"
"But he's the enemy now! I'm with Annabeth!" Said Clarisse.
"Enough," Chiron said, quieting the room. "Percy will stay here until we decide what else to do with him. But we have more pressing matters." He turned to me. "Calypso, you know who's doing this?"
I nodded and took a deep breath before continuing. "You all know about my father, Atlas. The titan holding up the sky. Well, before he was...punished, I met quite a few titans, and remember most of them."
"Wait," Jason interrupted. "So Percy's being possessed by a titan?"
"We've been over this!" Lou Ellen spoke up. "He's not possessed! Just influenced. We all saw that tonight, when he let go of Annabeth."
I nodded, and continued. "Well, my father being a titan, I can... sense them. It took me a few minutes to recognize him, I've only met him once, and he's so weak, even if he's getting stronger..."
"Well," said Annabeth. "Who is it?"
"Ouranos, father of the titans and former lord of the heavens. He was born straight from the void of Chaos, the first born titan. Husband of Gaea. So many stories of him, so many things he's done. He's said to be horrible, yet, I think he still loves Gaea.
"Ouranos has all the power of a god and more. He can control the wind and weather better than most. As you probably know, he was betrayed by his own sons, tied up and cut to pieces. I think he's trying to regain his physical form. Who knows what he could have planned. He's been waiting for thousands of years. But it can't be good."
Annabeth turned to Clovis, who looked like he was about to fall asleep, as usual. "Clovis." She said.
He looked up at her. "Yeah?"
"Do you think you could wake Percy up?"
Jason stepped forward, "Annabeth, I don't think that's a good idea..."
She ignored him. "Clovis, could you wake him up, and, I don't know, maybe just keep him like, half-asleep or something?"
"Yeah," he said. "But are you sure? Once I wake him up, it could be harder to keep him under control. And I should only keep him awake for a little while, so he doesn't wake up fully."
Annabeth nodded, and I noticed Jason placed his hand on his sword.
We all turned and watched, as Clovis tiredly began waking Percy up.

Percy's POV:

I felt slow, and drowsy. My limbs felt like lead, and I just wanted to lay there like that forever. Then I heard Annabeth gently calling my name.
"Percy?" Someone was shaking my arm.
"Hmmm..." I groaned sleepily. Cracking my eyes open, I saw a blurry Annabeth, standing over me. Behind her, were what looked like all the head councilors. "Annabeth?" I asked. "Were are we?"
"The infirmary." She replied gently.
I felt my eyes starting to close again. "What are we doing here?" I asked. I was confused, and didn't remember coming here, and I had the strangest feeling that I was forgetting something... I opened my mouth to ask another question, but yawned instead, and closed my eyes again.
"Hey," Annabeth said, shaking my arm again. "Come on Seaweedbrain, try to stay awake for me."
"Okay." I mumbled drowsily, without opening my eyes.
"Do you remember what happened?" She asked me. Annabeth sounded oddly gentle, as though she were talking to a hurt animal.
"Mmm.... no..." I said, trying to open my eyes again. "What happened?" I asked, fighting another yawn.
I heard someone else nearby, whispering something, I strained to hear. It was a girl's voice, and it sounded oddly familiar...
"....lost control...." I heard. I could also make out, "temporarily," and "so sorry."
I felt someone brushing my hair back, and heard Annabeth whisper, "Nothing happened Percy. Don't worry about it. Just go back to sleep okay?"
I nodded slightly, and mumbled my agreement, though I'm not sure she heard it. I was too tired to care.

Annabeth's POV:

I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard Percy's breathing steady and become regular.
"Annabeth..." Calypso said slowly, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay." I said. "We'll figure this out, somehow."
She nodded, and everyone but Will, Nico, Clovis, and I left the room.
Will was checking Percy's vitals, while Nico pulled up three chairs. Clovis sat on Percy's left, and Nico and I took his right. We all sat in silence, listening to Percy's breathing, and lost in our own thoughts.
Clovis soon fell asleep in his chair. At first, this worried me, he couldn't possibly be able to keep Percy asleep, while he sleeps. But, seeing as Percy was still out cold, he could do just that.
Nico finally decided to break the silence, when Will walked out to help a camper who'd been impaled by a spear.
"He fought it, that's a good sign."
"What?" I asked.
"Percy," Nico explained. "He fought Ouranos's will. All that power, and Percy fought it and saved you."
"Yeah," I said. "But how long can he keep fighting? He's only human."
Nico looked back down at Percy's sleeping form and shrugged. "He'll find a way."

Percy Jackson Trivia.

Q: In what book did we first meet Calypso? Where did we meet her?

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