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Will's POV:

"What?" I asked, as Dionysus turned away from my father and I. "What do you mean, 'no'?"
"I mean," Dionysus was now speaking as though he were explaining the word to a small child. "I will not waste my time helping Perry Johansson-"
"Percy Jackson." I corrected the god through gritted teeth.
"Whatever. When I couldn't possibly care less if he was sane or not."
"Okay." I said. "But when he goes crazy and floods the camp-"
"I still wouldn't be able to care less. I hate this camp. It's literally my punishment and I have no intention on saving it from anything."
I sighed, not knowing what we would do if something had gone wrong... If Percy was... not Percy anymore.
There were so many different possibilities as to what could've gone wrong. Then again, there was always the chance that nothing went wrong at all and everything was fine, but hey, this was Percy we were talking about...
It was better not to take any chances.
I walked out of the Big House with my father, who told me he was going to go check on Percy's condition. I just nodded, and tried to think of some other way to help Percy, should things go South.
In fact, I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice Nico walking next to me until he took my hand.
"Hey." He said.
"What you thinkin' about?"
I sighed. "Percy. Dyoneisus won't help if he needs anything...you know, mentally."
"What?!" Nico exclaimed. "But he has to! After all Percy has done for the Camp, for the gods-"
"I know." I replied. "But I guess we just have to find something else and hope for the best."
We fell into silence, both lost in our own thoughts, not really caring where we were going.
How am I going to help Percy when I don't know what's really wrong with him? There has been this feeling in my gut that something is wrong. I just don't know what.

~time skip - one day~

Annabeth's POV:

I was sitting where I almost always was now, at Percy's bedside, when I heard a light groan from where he slept.
Calling for Apollo and Will, I leaned closer to him as he opened those beautiful sea-green eyes.
"Percy?" I asked. He groaned again, eyes closing, but otherwise didn't respond. "Percy?" I tried again as Will and his father entered the room. "Can you hear me?"
Will walked up to him with some sort of light and shined it in both of Percy's eyes.
Looking up from his patient, he said to Apollo, "His pupils are responsive, breathing and heart rate normal..." Will turned his attention back to Percy. "Hey bud," he said. "Can you talk to me?"
Percy mumbled something that I couldn't make out.
"What Perce?" Will asked.
"I did it...." Percy mumbled again, his eyes fluttering open and closed. 
"Did what?" I asked quietly.
Percy slowly looked over at me, eyes open and clouded with pain. "...I killed those people..." he whispered.
Will looked up and Apollo and I, his worry showing on his face.
Leaning over to Percy, I brushed his hair back from his face. "No," I said. "No, Percy, that wasn't you."
He shook his head. "Yes it was. I could see myself doing it." Percy's voice broke with raw emotion as he spoke.
I was about to say more, to reassure him that those deaths weren't his fault, when Poseidon entered the room.
When he saw his son, he started toward him, but Apollo interfered, and quietly explained to Poseidon what was going on and that they had to evaluate Percy before letting anyone else into the room.
Not long after that, Percy started seizing. White foam spilled out from his mouth, and his body jerked and seized.
He was in pain, and that was when they had me leave.
They made me leave Percy while he needed help...
While he needed me.

The Other Side - A Percy Jackson FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz