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Percy's POV:

When I woke up, still on the comfortable bed, it was dark out, and only Will was left in my room.
"Hey." He said when he saw that my eyes were open. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better." I lied.
Will nodded, and I almost felt guilty for how gullible he was. Almost.
Will sighed. "Well, there's not much I can say." He told me. "Your bloods fine, and you should be perfectly healthy other than the fact that you haven't been sleeping or eating right," Will raised a hand to stop me from protesting. "Annabeth told me you lied." He said. "So I'd say you just passed out from exhaustion."
"Does that mean I can go?" I asked.
He nodded reluctantly. "But I want you eating right and trying to get some more sleep," he said. "And if you can't sleep, I can give you some medicine for that but Annabeth will be monitoring your eating habits. Okay?"
I nodded, and left the room without another word.
Hurry! Ouranos hissed in my head.
I know! I'm going!
I quickly ran over to Nico's cabin, trying to be as quiet as I could, and opened the door, hoping it wouldn't make a sound either. Thank the gods it didn't.
As I snuck into the cabin, I saw Nico fast asleep in his bed, and on the dresser next to him, sat the stone, perfectly unguarded.
Yes! Finally!
I slowly walked up to the dresser, and, knowing I shouldn't yet touch the stone, I used a small bag to pick it up. I walked out of the cabin, the stone and bag in my front pocket, and headed to my cabin.
I had work to do.

Lou Ellen's POV:

I woke in the middle of the night, sweating and out of breath. Something didn't feel right, I didn't know what it was, but I knew it was bad, so I went straight to Chiron.
When I woke him up, Chiron seemed angry, then I told him that something was wrong, and he rushed over to the Hades cabin.
I don't know what he thought he knew, but that was the wrong place to go. I found myself walking towards the Poseidon cabin, though I still didn't know why.
When I got to the door, I didn't knock. There was no sound coming from inside the cabin, but I could hear Chiron's panicked hooves in the distance.
I slowly opened the door to the cabin, to see Percy, not asleep in his bed, but hunched over a small glowing stone, fixing it into something metal. I noticed his hands were gloved, and he was being extremely careful with the odd stone.
As I looked at the thing, every instinct told me to fun and never look back. And I knew I had to get it away from Percy at all costs.
Unfortunately, before I could move, Percy had finished what he was doing to the stone, and I now saw that he'd fashioned it into a A ring with silver metal.
Percy stood and took the glove off of his right hand. He saw me, and smirked as he slid the ring, which was still radiating power, onto his ring finger.
"No!" I yelled, rushing forward, but it was too late. Before I knew what was happening, I was sent flying through the air, and hit back wall of the cabin.
I heard cruel laughing, and looked up to see Percy standing over me, smiling a cold smile, eyes now dark.
He bent down and forced my chin up with his left hand, so that I was looking at him.
"You are foolish for ever thinking for a moment that you could ever defeat me." he spat. "All of you are."
And with that, Percy- no, Ouranos left the cabin. I felt something warm and sticky were my head hit the cabin wall, right before everything went black.

Quiz time!

Q: What god was cursed by Eros, by being shot with a love arrow, and the person he fell in love with being shot with an arrow of indifference, causing her not to be able to love?

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