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Percy's POV:

Piper told me to just relax, and she lead me by the arm to my cabin.
When we got there, she told me to sit on my bed, and I was happy to do so.
I soon found myself, with my head on my pillow, eyes, getting heavier, until I finally fell asleep.


I was standing on Half-Blood Hill, overlooking the camp. It was peaceful, and the smell of strawberries was calming.
"Hello Percy." Said a voice behind me.
For some reason, I didn't turn around. I didn't want to.
By the sound of it, there was a man behind me, one I'd never met, yet, for reasons I couldn't quite understand, he felt, familiar, even without me seeing him.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"A friend." Said the stranger. "You will come to know me quite well, over these next few months, and I have a feeling, that we are going to be great friends Percy."
A small smile crept onto My face, as I listened to the strange man...

~end of dream~

Jason's POV:

I was in my cabin, and Piper was finally back from talking to Percy, and she looked upset.
"Well," I said, "did you find out what's up? What's wrong Piper?"
"I had to Charmspeak Percy pretty deep..."
"Oh..." I said, not knowing what to do. Piper hates Charmspeaking us, but it was for a good reason...
"Well, did he at least tell you what was going on?"
She nodded, and told me about his dreams, and how she'd been so close to finding out what thoughts have been bothering him, when Annabeth showed up and made her stop.
"Where is he now?" I said, "Maybe I could-"
"No," she said. "He was exhausted, but still wanted to train, so I put him to sleep in his cabin, and even if I didn't, you should give him some time. We can't all come at him at once, that'll just push him further away."
I nodded, and she smiled a little. I pulled her into a hug.
"Thank you." I said.
"What for?"
"For being you, always caring about people, and doing what's right..."
She sighed, and, grabbing my hand, walked me out the door, and to the beach, where we just hung out and talked until dinner.

Percy's POV:

I woke up to Annabeth's voice, she was talking to someone.
"Yes, I know Piper...."
I rubbed my eyes, groggily, to see that she and Grover where only a few feet from my bed.
"Hey Percy..." Grover said awkwardly.
"Hmm..." I replied, still tired. "How long have I been out?"
"Only about an hour." He replied.
Annabeth must have seen my confusion. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just, don't remember..."
"Coming here?" She asked, when I nodded, she stopped talking, and looking guilty.
"What?" I asked, slowly sitting up.
"Nothing, maybe you should talk to Piper." She said, then quickly added, "She seems upset, and I know she likes talking with you and all..."
"We just talked, not too long ago." I told her.
"What about?"
"Nothing important." I replied. Why is she even here? I thought, before voicing the question. "Why are you two here?"
"Grover and I were worried about you, so we came here to check in on you, only, you were asleep, so we talked, thinking, maybe It'd be okay to wait for you to wake up."
I was still tired, and didn't really pay attention to what she was saying. Yawning, I started to get up.
"What're you doing Percy?" Grover asked.
"I didn't train enough earlier. Piper came up to me on my way to the arena, and now I'm here... so I'm gonna go practice."
"Well," Grover said, "I was kinda thinking we could hang out. We haven't really talked in a-"
"No," I snapped, though I didn't mean to. "I- I just, need the practice."
"Percy," said Annabeth. "You're the best swordsman in the whole camp. The wars over, why do you need to practice so much?"
I didn't answer. I didn't know the answer. I just knew, that I needed to get better.
I walked out the door of my cabin, and to the training arena.

The Other Side - A Percy Jackson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now