Chapter Seventeen: I wouldn't dare try to do this without you there

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I don't wanna hear you got a boyfriend

Sometimes you're better off alone

But if you change your mind you know where I am

Yeah if you change your mind you know where to find me

But I don't ever wanna be your boyfriend


The day after the party was great. I just felt terrible from the 15 shots that I took the day before. I regret it. Now I know why Zack had said 'You're lucky I got here when I did'. It's that or a drunk Brendon who wouldn't be so easy going about breaking the rules. Anyway, today we are going to get some food. We didn't get to go out to eat yesterday because of the party. We convinced Zack that we would be fine on our own. So it's just me and dad. Finally. When we got to the restaurant I noticed that people were recognizing him but they weren't doing anything but freaking out quietly. Me and dad were just pretending that we couldn't see that they were gushing over him.

"So did you like your presents?" He asks trying to talk about something other than his fans and how they act around him. "I'm very excited about my camera. I can't wait to be able to take pictures with it and show them to the world." I wasn't lying I really am excited about getting to take pictures with a professional quality. I've always dreamed of having people use my pictures for backgrounds on their phones or on their computers. When I first started playing with a camera I wanted people to use my pictures as the preview picture in the picture frames that they sell in the stores. Obviously, my dreams have grown bigger and enlarged. I don't know where I want it to go but I know that I want to use it for a career. "I think that I want to use it to make money," I say that as soon as the waiter walks up and he has no room the respond. "Hi, my name is-" She glances at Brendon for a second "my name is Brianna and I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with any drinks?" She says, looking at us both equally to make sure not to show us that she knows. "Sweet Tea for me. If you don't have it just water."

"Okay" she hesitantly turns to dad "and for you s-sir?" she stuttered "I'll have a uh- beer" this makes her face rosy red. "Can I see your ID sir?" this was were her thoughts i'm guessing were confirmed. "alright i'll be right back with your drinks." she says and smiles before she walks towards her friend and with dad paying more attention to the t.v. i hear her say "Yeah that's him." and giggle. Great. A birthday dinner surrounded by fans.

I see her with my tea around the corner but she stops and looks at her phone. Her face drops. Huh? I wonder what it was. "Here's your tea sweetheart. And your beer will be right out." she says not smiling at all. when she returns to her friend all I can hear is "..I'm not gonna bother them." then her friend says something but I've never heard her talk so I can't really pick her voice out. Then I hear her say something and I can't tell what it is all I hear is " was on his Twitter so i'm just gonna let him be."

Oh no, dad. What did you do? I take out my phone. I go to my dad's page to see what he had posted. Sure enough. I was there sitting in the very spot I am right now. @Brendonurie: Birthday dinner for my daughter. Just me and her. I love quality time with her. 650 likes and 300 re-tweets already. I look through the re-tweets to find Briana because that was the smaller list. I eventually find her and save her profile. I can go back to her later. I don't want her to have a panic attack while she is trying to work. Her backing off from Brendon because he's having dinner with me for my birthday was the sweetest thing a fan could have done. To avoid saying anything out loud, I text dad.

ME: Our waiter is a fan.

FATHER URIE: how do u know tht

ME: i got very good observation skills.

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