Chapter Fourteen: All my fault.

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I don't know where you're going

But do you have room for one more troubled soul?

I don't know where i'm going

But I don't think I'm coming home and I said

I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead

This is the road to ruin

And we're starting at the end


Nicole tells me that I shouldn't worry because she has been informed that she epilepsy. Not really a disease, but a condition that causes her to have life threatening seizures. I can't help but think about her anxiety and epilepsy. What if an anxiety attack turns into a seizure? What if she falls into a seizure in the pool? Or while walking downstairs? She could die. She could get seriously hurt. All I want to do right now is wrap her up in bubble wrap and do everything for her so that she doesn't risk getting hurt.

The doctor leaves the room for me to process what I had just been told. That's when she tells me the worst part of all of this.

"The reason I had a seizure this time is because of the weed."

What? That can't be. How does she know? Did she tell them? She wouldn't have, that would risk her getting taken from me. "How do you know that?"

"The doctor told me."

She told them. This is not going to be a good day.

"You can't tell them that. They could call child services and you could be taken, and put back with Mrs. Sandra."

"They said that everything I told them they couldn't tell anyone. That's why he left the room when I got to that part. I also told them it was all me and you had nothing to do with it. That you weren't even aware it was in the house."

My mind was at a little bit more of an ease. I was still worried. The rest of the day went by and they said that they would let her go home tomorrow. I fell asleep in the chair that is for visitors, but seeing as I am her father they were okay with me staying in it overnight.

I wake up to no one in the bed. I instantly freak out. I assume she almost died and they had to take her to a different room. I realize that she is okay when I look at my phone with a text from her.

Thy Holy Daughter👼: The nurses unhooked me and said was ready to go whenever you woke up. I went to the cafeteria to get some food be back soon.

That was one minute ago. I decide to pack all the things that we had, and get ready to go. In the middle of all this, I get a notification from twitter.

@Urie'strulynicole posted a picture of you: Isn't my dad just adorable. :) Love you @brendonurie. I'm glad I can call you my father.

Attached was a picture of me asleep in the chair this morning.

@brendonurie in reply to @Urie'strulynicole: @Urie'strulynicole You have no idea how you have changed my life

You re-tweeted this post

As soon as I re-tweeted Nicole walked in and I had tears in my eyes from her post. I got up and crashed into her with a hug. That hug seemed to last for 20 minutes before I ripped from it and asked her if she was ready to go.

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