Chapter Twenty Three: Back to the School (Where we began😉)

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They're gonna clean up your looks

With all the lies in the books

To make a citizen out of you

Because they sleep with a gun

And keep an eye on you, son

So they can watch all the things you do

After the ER released me I got back into school pretty quickly. I just kept saying that it could wait for a better time. And apparently this was it.

"Dad your busy. It can wait." i said trying to get him to hold off for at the least another week.

"No. You are going. Im not going to put it off anymore. For one, it could get you taken away from me. Two, the more you miss the harder your going to have to work to catch up. You are going. We aren't discussing it anymore."

"Oh okay" i said slightly shocked that he kind of went off at me like that.

"Im sorry nicole. I just don't want to lose you. I know you don't wanna go to school but i have no choice but to send you."

I just looked down and nodded.


Shortly after our conversation, we left to go  talk to the school about me. I wouldn't start untill tomorrow. Thank God because i was not ready.

We walked into the school and I forgot that I haven't really told you about it. This place was guarded like a prison but decorated like an office building. This place was way too sophisticated for someone like me. I only wished i went to a school that i belonged at. But i could tell right off the bat that this was a private school and i was always anxious while I was here.

When we got home I was determined to confront Brendon about going to a private school. I wanted to be with normal people that weren't stuck up. I wanted normal friends I wanted to go back to the school I was at before I went into the hospital. Rich schools weren't somewhere that I belonged to be at.


"Yes honey?"

"Why am I going to a private school?"

"Oh Um. Let's see. well because your last name is Urie. People will know who you are. And I don't want people only being friends with you to get to know me or to meet me. I want you to be friends with people because of who you are. And if I can remove the opportunity for other people I will."

"They are normal people dad. They just have a lot more money than other people."

"Honey. 95% of the people that go there are related to famous people. They just don't bring it up. They know who you are but they don't mention it. That school has nothing to do with previous grades or how good you are at things. It is simply for the children and grandchildren of famous people. Pete told me about it. He is going to send Saint there."

"I still think that I belong with normal people. I don't belong among famous people or even their kids."

"Well your going there. I don't want you to be friends with the kind of people that will use you. These people won't use you because they are used to being famous. They won't treat you that way because they don't want to be treated that way."

"I just don't want to go somewhere where so much is expected of me. I want to be myself. And I want to stay to myself. I'm not a fan of having a lot of friends. I have 2. and I like it that way." I was starting to get upset and I could feel tears welling into my eyes. Dad walked uover to me and hugged me.

"Nicole. You can be whoever you want to be. And if you don't want to talk to many people you don't have to and I'm not going to make you. But you need to go to this school or people will start to use you and I don't want that for you. I want you to make real friends that mean something to you. And you mean something to them. Don't think of this school as a private school. Think of it as a protective school. This school protects you from the people that will use you in life."

I was in tears. I never thought of it that way. I always thought that rich kids went to different schools cause their parents taught them that were better than everyone else and that they didn't need to be around people like us. But that conversation proved me completely wrong. I was now the rich kid at a different school and it was to protect me. Not because I was better.

"Thank you dad." I whispered into his hug still crying.

"No problem baby girl."


It was now my first day at a different school. I was all alone. I didn't have Elise or Megan. Alone. Like always. But I liked being alone because that means that no one can hurt you. My thoughts were interrupted by a boy not much taller than me but still taller.

"Hey, you're Nicole Urie, right? Brendon's daughter?"

Oh great.

"Yeah..." I kind of trailed off trying to let him know that I was uncomfortable talking about this. 'I don't need this. I don't want friends and I don't need friends' I told my self this on my whole way to school and while walking in the door.

"Cool! We've all been super excited about you coming. We rarely get new people. And we all kind of know each other from our parents or siblings so it's nice to see a fresh face. My name is Jake. Jake Ross."


"Do you need help to your first class?"

"S-sure" I managed to stutter out and handed him my schedule.

"Hey we have three classes!" He used his elbow to nudge me "at least you'll know one friendly face"

He walked me to my first class and waved me bye along with a casual 'see ya later Urie' in which I replied with a smile. Jake Ross. Ross? Where do I know that name?

They said all

Teenagers scare

The living shit out of me

They could care less

As long as someone'll bleed

So darken your clothes

Or strike a violent pose

Maybe they'll leave you alone

But not me

//Teenagers - My Chemical Romance//

(A/N: yeah I know Ima piece of shit for being so late. You have no idea how sorry I am for this book being so late. I forgot a lot about this book and I wrote this chapter completely wrong and had to rewrite it. But much love to you all🖤🖤🖤🖤)


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