Chapter Four: From scared, To excited

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He was the congregation's vagrant

With an unrequited love

When your passion's exaltation

Then finding refuge is

Not Enough


After I went to my room to keep Brendon from seeing my face turn red I turned on some Machine Gun Kelly and plopped on one of my beanbag chairs. As I was listening to MGK's most recent rock masterpeice, I hear Sandra come in, so I listen to her voice.

"Nicole, you have a visitor." she says very sweet and kind which is not her at all "If this is some sick joke, leave me out," I say very harshly and blunt to let her know that I'm not in a good mood and she should just leave. My thoughts are interrupted by a man's voice.

"No joke," he says in the sweetest kindest tone possible. I get up to look at who it is and it's a man that has the softest face and angelic eyes. I think my jaw actually hit the floor. I start my way toward the ladder but he interrupts me by asking me if he could come up to the loft. 

I sat down hoping to hide the redness on my face. When he reached the loft I think it was his jaw that hit the floor this time. He took a minute to look at all the records that I have on the wall, along with looking around to check the place out. He plops in the other beanbag chair and I am zoned out on his face trying to make sure he's real. I hear him say hi and ask my name, but I have to take a minute, and I think he realizes this as he just smiles and waits. After about 30 seconds I tell him that my name is Nicole and I'm 13. We talk about the music first then we moved on to other subjects.

"If you don't mind me asking, What happened to your parents?" he asked like he genuinely wanted to know.

"When I was young I was told that they died in a car crash, but as I got older some things started to not make sense to me, so they told me the truth" I had to pause, to make sure that I would be able to talk. About a minute went by before either of us spoke.

"And what was the truth?" he asked. Seeming so interested in my past. I doubt he will care about my future, seeing as he's going to walk out of here and more than likely never come back.

"They were murdered by my uncle, and he was gonna kill me but the cops got there, so he just killed himself. I honestly don't remember any of it." That's a Lie. I remember it all. The memories haunt me in my sleep.

"I'm sorry all that happened. How old were you?" 
"2. I guess that's why I don't remember," I said very quickly to make sure I don't burst into tears, and Sandra could not have come in at a better time.

"Visiting hours are over now Mr. Urie," she said in the most annoying voice possible. I looked at Brendon worried that he might not come back and that's when he said the words that were gonna change my life, forever.

"Don't worry Nicole. I'll be back." Then he winked and hugged me before he climbed down. He said something to Sandra in a sarcastic tone, but I couldn't tell what it was. I can't for the day to come when he comes back for me. I'll finally be free of the pain that haunts me everyday of my life.

She was the youngest of the family

And the last to be let go

When they decided they would try

And make it on their own


The paperwork went by very quickly. The adoption office said that if I weren't in the public eye it probably would take a lot longer, but it did take about a week for me to get approved by the state. They had to do a background check on me and a check on my house before they could let her come to live with me. They asked me questions about why I lived alone and why I wanted to adopt. I get it. A 25-year-old man living alone and wanting to adopt a 13-year-old girl doesn't look pleasant, but those are not, and never were my intentions.

I just can't wait to have a daughter. Someone to take care of and someone to watch after. This new life is going to be great. Just me and my daughter. I like how that sounds.

Oh memories

Where'd you go

You were all I've ever known

How I miss yesterday and

How I let it fade away

//Memories - Panic! At The Disco//
(A/N: if yall have any question lemme know)

823 words

The Youngest of the FamilyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz