Chapter Nineteen: She should be able to talk to me.

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I wrote a goodbye note

In lipstick on your arm

When you passed out

I couldn't bring myself to call

Except to call it quits.


The 'first day of school' I had envisioned in my head didn't go as I planned it. I wanted to go through the day not talking to anyone but Elise. That didn't work. I don't know how that Ansley girl knows who I am but it scares me. What if she blackmails me? Or just plain out tells everyone who I am? This is not good.

I try and keep these thoughts far away from my mind as possible on the way home but that doesn't seem to work.

"What's up with you Nicole? You haven't said a word sense you got in the car." When he said this he sounded more concerned than mad. I wish I could talk to Josh right now. He will know what I should do. He's like my best friend. Him and Gerard.

"Nicole?" I was being literally snapped out of my thoughts by Brendon.

"Nicole? Hello? You there cupcake?" Cupcake? He never called me that. Only once before. I was hiding something from him, but he already knew about it, he just wanted me to tell him. No. There's no way he knows. Unless he is guessing.

"Nicole?" I jumped at him speaking. I had been in my thoughts for at least 20 minutes.

"Huh? What? I'm sorry. I was just thinking."

"Well what's on your mind?" Why in the world did you just tell him you were thinking. You knew that would give him an open door to talk about it. Lord have mercy on this conversation.

"Nothing. Just running through my day." I think I should slap myself. In my mind I was face-palming myself. That made the door that gave him the opportunity to talk about it fall off the hinges. There was no going back now.

"Oh. Well, how was school today? Make any friends?" Just say no in the most innocent way possible like it didn't even matter.

"I don't wanna talk about it" God dammit Nicole. Why can't your mouth listen to your brain just once?

"Did something bad happen?" Just say no Nicole, JUST SAY NO!

"I said I don't wanna talk about it." I snapped. I can't even listen to myself. I really need to talk to Josh. Before I knew it the words were spilling out of my mouth again, like vomit.

"Can you ask Josh to come over. I need to talk to som-" I stopped myself. If I said I needed to talk to someone, he would want me to talk to him. "him. I need to talk to him."

"Yeah sure." He sounded sincere but also sounded hurt. I didn't know that I could hurt this man. Surely i'm not that important.

Best friends

Ex-friends 'till the end

Better off as lovers

But not the other way around

Racing through the city

Windows down

In the back of

Yellow-checkered cars


Why does she have to talk to Josh? I am her father she should be able to talk to me. Right? Right. I'm going to tell Josh to come over. And i'm gonna tell him what to tell her. I want her to know that she can talk to me. Just because i'm her father doesn't mean that she can't talk to me. I know how it is wanting to talk to a parent and not being able to. My father was so judgmental. I could never talk to him.

I could always talk to my mom but she was always working. I miss her. I should go see her. Oh shit. They don't know about Nicole. What will my father say? I know what my mom will say. 'Oh she's just so adorable!' But my father is a different story. I can feel my face getting hot over the anxiety of them finding out without me telling them.

I think that Nicole started to notice because she was now staring at me. The first thing that came to my mind was 'it's hot turn on the a/c'. So that's exactly what I did. When I did she turned her head really slow to look out of the other window. Thank god. The fact that they don't know makes me anxious. But the fact that Nicole could find out that they don't know may give me an anxiety attack right here right now. So this is going to be my secret. Well mine and Pete's. I really needed to talk to him. I guess we were going to have a little Fueled By Ramen party. Pete and Josh would be coming. Perfect excuse for them to come.

"We're gonna have a little get-together/ party tonight. Only people from Fueled By Ramen. Elise can come if she wants to." Those were the last words spoke in that car ride home.

This city says

Hell or high water

When i'm feeling hot and wet

I can't commit to a thing

Be it heart or hospital

//Bang The Doldrums - Fall Out Boy//
(A/N: I don't know why this chapter is so short. It took forever to write.😞)

878 words

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