Chapter Ten: The cell phone, The social media, and The introduction.

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Assembling their philosophies

From pieces of broken memories.

(This is the beat of my heart,

This is the beat of my heart)


2 weeks later

I heard Bee talking to Zack about what restrictions he should give me when I get my phone. I can't act too excited or else he will know that I know, but I can't help it. I've never had a cell phone. To be honest, the first time I really used one was when Zack gave me his on the way to the house. Why would I need a cell phone anyway? I have no friends. I guess he just wants me to be in touch with him when he's not around.

I hear him running around downstairs and I can't really go to sleep so I decide to get up and go see what he's doing. When I get down there he stops dead in his tracks. "What are you doing awake?"

"Can't sleep. Why are you running around like a chicken with your head cut off?"

He lightly laughs at my comment.

"Me and you have a long day today. Speaking of which go take a shower and get ready to go."


"I can't tell you that yet. Just go." He says smiling from ear to ear. "And wear a shirt that doesn't have any words or pictures on it" He calls as I make my way upstairs. No designs on my shirt? This must be a really eventful day. He's always okay with what I usually wear.

When I get out of the shower I put on sweatpants and an undershirt to do my makeup and hair in. I put a light layer of gold across my eyelid with a bronze color in the far corner of my eye. I lightly outline my eyebrows and I finish my makeup off with my winged eyeliner and mascara. When I'm finished with my makeup I decided to leave my curly blonde hair how it is. Then I go to my closet and pick out some white high rise jeans with a black loose-fitting long sleeve shirt. I finish my outfit with some grey Converse that Bee bought me the other day.

I go downstairs and Bee looks at me for a second before he finally smiles and says "You look perfect!" Then he hugs me and we head out the door to find Zack in a van with the rest of the band. I'm confused but I go along with everything that is going on and decide to not ask questions. When I get in Zack greets me with a fist bump. "Hey, kiddo. You excited?"

"I actually have no idea what's going on," I say laughing. I turn to see Dallon and he laughs. "Don't worry. You'll love it. I'm Dallon by the way. This is Dan and Kenny" He says motioning towards the other two guys in the van. Dan and Kenny sat in the very back, Dallon sat in the middle with some guitar cases and I sat alone on the bench in the front. Brendon sat in the front seat to talk with Zack.

We drove for what seems to be forever before we get to the apple store. I freak out of course because it's my first cell phone. When we get into the store Brendon speaks to the lady and she goes to the back and comes out with a box. Brendon tells me to go look at the cases and pick out which one I would want. I pick out this fitted case that is a deep purple. Brendon pays for the phone and the case. He asks me if I also wanted a watch or a laptop and I agree to both so he gets a Mac with the same colored case as my phone. Along with the Mac, he grabs the Apple Watch and the little case that goes around it, also a deep purple. He pays for them then we head back to the van. When we get back to the van I am more than excited to open my phone.

"You can have after we get home. I need you focused on what we are doing tonight okay?" He says trying to stay firm with me.

"Okay," I say. What does he need me to focus on? He's the one that would be playing if he's got a gig. What would I need to focus on?

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