Chapter Thirty Eight: Let The Tour Begin! Well Kind Of.

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I never ended up telling dad why I chose to sit in the back that day. He never asked and I definitely not going to push him to want to know.

After I got over that incident, me and dad got along great. I told him that I got anxious in the back seat, between people and then he said, and I quote:

"Your never going to sit in the back seat again. I don't care who else is in the car. If your health is in danger, I'd rather you be beside me"

Which I responded, very shyly and very quietly to with:


"I'm sorry Nicole. I didn't mean to tell. I just don't understand why you would put yourself in mental harm if you knew it wasn't going to work."

"I just, didn't want Alenia, the guest, to be in the back, squished by Dallon and Breezy."

"Well, no more back seat for you. I don't know what's going to happen when your in a cramped tour bus for months."

Right after that he slammed his hand over his mouth. He didn't want to tell me?

"I'm sorry that was supposed to be a secret."


"Yes, can you calm down?"



He said very stern. That snapped me back into place.

"Sorry dad."

He didn't speak after that or maybe I was too busy in my thoughts to hear him.

I'm going to be a roadie for panic(!). Wow. Never in one million years did I think that this would happen. Oh no. What if I have an anxiety attack? What if I get left somewhere? What if I get hurt? They have doctors that travel with us right? What about school? Will I have to do online work? Will I pass? What if I don't pass? What if I have to drop out?!

"Nicole? Are you listening to me?"

Yep too busy in my thoughts to hear him.

"I'm sorry dad, what did you say?"

"I was saying, the tour starts a few weeks before school let's put. That means I'm gonna need you to work ready hard to get ahead in classes, so that you can be done early enough to leave. I've already talked to your teachers, they are willing to tutor you so that you can move a little faster."


I said, also very quiet, still slightly trapt in my thoughts.




Today was my last day in school. I had worked hard and got ahead of my classes. I wanted everyone to know that Brendon was my dad. I was very well at hiding it, at least from everyone else. My friends knew who I was related to. I know that I was at a school made for people that are 'famous' but I still didn't feel like everyone knowing.

Today was the day that I was going to let my identity fly free. I was going to show everyone who I am. I was gonna be at lunch when Brendon came to get me, and boy was he going to make an entrance.

About that time that I was thinking about it, he busted in the doors.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I am here for Nicole Urie, my daughter."

I was laughing lightly because everyone was confused. I hadn't been using Urie all year. I've been a Stephens all year.

"Oh, I'm sorry. She is known around here as, Nicole Stephens?"

The whole rooms' eyes landed on me. My heart sank and I was short of breath. I didn't want people to look at me, but I guess that's what comes with an announcement like that.

"Nicole, today is your last day of school, this year at least. Will you come with me so that you can check out?"

I just nodded my head as my face turned red. I got up and hugged Jake and I went on my way. Jake was my only real friend. Everyone else was only around because they were around Jake. I wasn't too keen on making friends.

We went to the office and dad checked me out. After that we got in the car and headed home. Dad was practically bouncing in his seat, he was so excited.

"So, are you excited to go on tour for the first time?"

"I mean I'm more nervous than anything, but yeah, I guess you could say I was excited."

"Nervous? Why would you be nervous?"

"Cloister phobia, Anxiety, Depression, just being away from home in general. I mean it's been almost a year sense I've been with you and I'm still not used to your house being 'home'"

He looks at me with worried and sympathetic eyes and started to talk. He was cut off by a honk and a slight bump.

My head jerked forward, and sense I was leaning up already, my head hit the dash and all I saw was black.

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed. No IV no casts, everything must be fine. I seen dad on the couch asleep.


"Huh what, I'm up!"

He looked at me and I just waved.

"Oh Nicole, are you okay?" He said very calm.

Yup. Must not have been too bad.

"Yeah I feel fine. What happened?"

"While I was talking to you, I ran a red light and someone was turning and they hit us. Lucky for us, they were turning. So they weren't going full speed."

"How long was I out?"

"Well the ride from the intersection past our house to here, 5 minutes and then while they looked at you, 10 minutes, so 15 minutes in total."

"Okay good. I didn't want to miss tour. When can I leave?"

He chuckled

"They said when you wake up that you can change into normal clothes and I can sign papers and we can go."

"Great, cause this gown is irritating."

He just laughed and handed me my clothes.

"Get dressed silly, I'll be at the desk waiting for you"

I nodded my head and headed for the bathroom.

A/N: I wrote this and haven't had a chance to put it through grammarly so it may be little spotty with punctuation and grammar and spelling so bear with me. Anyway, update 1/2 for this week also this book is coming to an end, but I already have chapters for book two started ☺️☺️

Much Love <3

-Annie Xx

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