Chapter Nine: I thought we were safe

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I just wanna stay in the sun where I find

I know it's hard sometimes

Pieces of peace and some peace of mind

I know it's hard sometimes


It's been 2 weeks since the incident at Patrick's and I made sure I was fully hydrated when I met him this time. Things have begun to feel very weird around the house though. I always feel like there are people sitting outside of our house.

"Bren?" I yell because I'm in the house and he's in the pool.

"Yes?" He says a little concerned.

"I think someone is outside"

"Well open the door for them"

"They didn't knock," I say, slightly confused at my own sentence.

"What?" Brendon says as he's getting out of the pool. He goes to the door, but first, he says "Go up to your room and look in your closet and open the drawer that I told you never to open and get out what's inside. Go!"

I do as I'm told and I make my way up to my room. I open the drawer to find a small revolver. I grip it in my hand and sit in the back of the closet and turn all my lights off. I hear Bren open the door and then shut it quickly. I hear footsteps come up the stairs toward my room. I think that this is an intruder so I am quietly sobbing. I see Brendon through the crack of the door very worried and scared. I don't make a noise until he says my name.


I let out a faint cry and he turns to the closet.

"Nicole!" He says, relieved that he found me. I am crying into his chest.

"Are they gone?" I say


"The intruders"

"There weren't any intruders. Just some fans that were waiting outside for me to go somewhere so they could say hi I guess." He says in an annoyed tone "I'm sorry I freaked on you and made you feel unsafe sweetheart." He says as my head lays in his lap while he's playing with my hair to calm me down. We have gotten closer over these past two weeks. I tell him about my past and my self-harm. This seems to upset him but I assure him that I haven't self-harmed while in his care.

I leave the closet and he hides the gun in a different place this time we go downstairs and he calls Zack. I don't hear what Zack says but I hear little bits of what Bee says to him.

"I don't know what to do Zack. You can't be here 24/7 to protect us from people like that."

This seems to have him really shaken up.

"I can't do that. I love this house. Maybe I'll have to tell the fans what happened and ask them to stop. Maybe they will listen."

I hear him say bye and I can tell he's about to head to my room so I jump up and I get into my bed and try and act like I've been trying to sleep. After he walks in I hear him walk right back out.

I'd die for you

That's easy to say

We all have a list of people

We would take

A bullet for him

A bullet for you


I go up to Nicole's room and I don't see her anywhere. I immediately think that she has been kidnapped. "Nicole?" I say slightly scared that she might not answer back. I hear a hushed sob come from the closet. "Nicole!" I say in the most frantic tone happy that she's still here. She sets the gun on the floor and I fall to my knees to be at the same level as her. She hugs me and asks me if they are gone.

"Who?" I say, confused as to why she would think they were in the house.

"The intruders," She says. My heart sinks. I can't believe that I've made her feel so unsafe. Even though there weren't any intruders, she still is scared.

"There weren't any intruders. Just some fans that were waiting outside for me to go somewhere so they could say hi I guess." I think for a minute about what else I should say to comfort her. "I'm sorry I freaked on you and made you feel unsafe sweetheart," I say as she lays with her head in my lap. I play with her hair to soothe her mood.

When she gets up she leaves the closet and I hide the gun in a different place so that she can't just find it. After that, I go downstairs and immediately call Zack.

"What's up, man?"

"I just had a group of fans standing outside of my house. I didn't know what was going on so I told Nicole to hide in her closet with the gun I put in there."

"What? Why would they just be outside of your house like that?" He asks. I can tell that he is pissed. After a few moments of silence, I speak.

"I don't know what to do Zack. You can't be here 24/7 to protect us from people like that."

"Maybe you should move and disclose your address and get a P.O. box."

"I can't do that. I love this house. Maybe I'll have to tell the fans what happened and ask them to stop. Maybe they will listen."

"Maybe they will and maybe they won't. You can try. I'll come over tomorrow and stick around your house for a few hours to see who all comes around. I'll see you later man. Take care and call me if you need me before tomorrow."

"Alright, man. Bye."

I decide to go talk to Nicole about what just happened. When I get up to her room she seems to be asleep. So I get up to leave her to sleep. I turn on an old video of the band in 2008 and lay back and watch as we play when we were young. Not long after that Nicole comes down and wants to talk. So I turn the T.V. off and I listen.

"Why do you play music when you're upset?" she asks.

"Anything about music soothes me. So when I'm mad or upset I forget about what mood I'm in and I just play" While I was saying that I realize she hasn't told me any of her hobbies. Those are things that I should know.

"What do you like to do? What do you enjoy?"

"Well, there's more than one. First, I like music. Playing it, singing it, making it. Anything to do with it" This makes me happy because I can teach her more about music and help her write songs for herself and she can help me write. "Second, when I was younger I liked to skate. I could skate on rollerblades, speed skates, and on a skateboard." This also makes me happy. She has something that she loves that she can teach me. "Third, I like taking pictures. I've never had my own camera but this one kid that came to the foster home did. He let me play on it and take pictures and I fell in love." This makes me excited because she can take pictures for me to get a photography business started if she wanted to. I'm happy I know more about her now. That way I can buy random presents that make her happy.

Woah, Oh, I'm fallin

So I'm takin my time

On my ride

//Ride - Twenty-One Pilots//
(A/N: ❤💕 love how far this book is going)

1282 words

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