His playful sarcasm would not go unpunished. Deva jumped on his back and tightly wrapped her legs around him. Adamarius laughed, hoisting her up to get a better grip.

Her lips found his ear where she bit down, hard.

"Is that any way to speak to your Queen?" Her soft seducing voice whispered.

He chuckled. "You're going to have to do better than that."

Darius stood from afar and watched Deva and Adamarius' playful exchange. He wanted to rip his eyes out for even looking their way. He still had an ache in his heart every time he saw her with Adamarius. He wanted her to be happy, she deserved it but Darius couldn't help the way he boiled up every time he saw them touch.

He watched as Adamarius tackled her to the ground and began to trail kisses against every inch of her neck. It felt like someone was slowly and agonizingly tearing his heart out. He remembered the way it felt to kiss her soft skin because nothing felt more close to heaven. And when he held her in his arms everything else disappeared. He hated himself for letting her down and not being the man she needed.

Eventually a member of the staff broke up their little playful attack. Deva was asked to help pick out a few things for the ball arrangements. She reluctantly followed but with a frown on her face. It made Darius smile to see that Deva still despised playing dress up and entertaining a crowd.

Adamarius knew Darius was watching them and decided to rub it in a little more. Darius had averted his eyes but heard Adamarius' heavy footsteps advancing closer. Darius stood tall, waiting for his half-brother to finally reach him.

"Do you enjoy gawking at things you can never have?" Adamarius queried, drilling his brother with endless aggravation.

"Not as much as I enjoy punishing those who deceive and hurt the ones I love." Darius did his best to control his raving temper.

"Does that include yourself as well, little brother? After all you did deceive the one you loved, now didn't you?" Adamarius put smugly.

Darius glared furiously at his enemy. "I don't know what kind of game you are playing but if you hurt her I will kill you."

His threat hardly scared Adamarius.

"You would like that wouldn't you. But I'm not like you. I don't hurt the ones I love and disappoint them countless other times."

Adamarius' comment stung like a blade piercing the skin and for some reason all control was thrown out the window. Darius raised his fist and crushed it against Adamarius jaw.

Adamarius responded quickly and jabbed his knee towards Darius' stomach. Slight pain shot through both their bodies.

"You're a manipulative bastard. You don't deserve her." Darius shouted and moved to attack again.

Adamarius blocked Darius' fist.

"And you do?" Adamarius laughed before punching Darius square in the nose.

Darius took a step back and placed his hand over his bleeding nose. It was broken; he jerked it to place it back correctly.

"Have you forgotten how you broke her heart? There is no hope for you two. She will never trust you again," Adamarius taunted.

Darius bit back the pain of his truthful words. She would never want to be with him after all of this.

"And do you think she's not smart even to see through what you really are?" Darius stated. "You both hated each other now all of a sudden you are in love with her."

Royal Pain (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now