"I guess then I'm doing you a favor. You're welcome." Deva was growing weary of the grotesque conversation.

"It is quite sweet though. I, Amber the girl you loath, will end up living happily ever after with the man you love but can never have."

"If you don't leave my room in the next few seconds I'll be sure to banish you to a desert where the vultures can feast on your corpse."

"Like Darius would actually let that happen." Red started towards the exit.

"Kill you? That would technically free him from all obligations and finally give us a second chance." Deva laughed at the possibility. "Careful Red. He did call me the love of his life. Who knows what he'd do to reunite with me after that baby is born?"

Deva could feel the stiffness in the air. Red was struck with a haunting sense of fear.

Deva hit the punching bag with mustered force causing more sweat to run down her toned tanned body. Even though she was half vampire she still had the capability to sweat thanks to her lycan roots. Strangely enough she was happy about it; it made her feel somewhat human.

Her black short shorts and dark grey sports bra clung tight to her body and were drenched. She hit the bag harder and almost sent it flying back into the wall.

After another ten minutes of hardcore stress relief she heard the door to the gym open. It amazed her that she didn't even have to look behind her to know it was him.

"Having a bad day?"

"You can say that." She found that punching the bag was a good way to get all the bent up stress from the long day with the council off her chest.

"You wanted to see me?" He sounded a bit confused.


With her back to him she bent down to grab her water. She made sure she stretched her sore muscles around her toned legs as she bent down farther giving him a good view. Half her butt cheeks were already hanging of her shorts, which they could technically be categorized as underwear. There was a reason she was wearing booty shorts instead of her regular sweat pants.

She heard him softly cover up a groan and knew her plan was working.

Deva finally stood up releasing him from the torture and turned to face Darius. His eyes were dark and narrow as he took in her appearance. The way his eyes were eating away at her glistening skin put to rest the doubts. He would never want anyone the way he wanted her.

"Yes. I want you to know that I'm going to go along with your plan about the warehouse."

His face sparked with joy. "You are?"

"Yes. It's a very good idea and I even brought it forth to the council. They love the idea just as much as I do."

His bright smile over powered his face. "That's incredible news Deva."

"I thought you might be pleased." He stared into her eyes and she continued. "I want you to help lead the project."

"What? Are you sure?"

Deva nodded. "Yes. It was your idea. I want you to be a part of it."

He stared at her for the longest pause. "Deva...what about what you said the other day?"

Yes, she remembered exactly what she told him.

"Do this project; see it through and hopefully by that time your son will be born. Your family, especially your father, deserves to see what you can do. After that I'll ask you to leave again."

Royal Pain (Rewritten)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora