A Little Awkward

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By Darkest Wolf


So, my name is darkest wolf. I am going to share my story. The first time I had a crush on a girl well more pacifically my teacher. In the past I had always had crushes on boys. So it felt weird. I hated the fact she had a husband. At that point in time I had a crush on this guy in my class at the same time. But the way I came out was when my friend told me he was trans so I told him I was emo and that I had had crushes on a girl in the past. I told her who cause that teacher was still working there. But I also said I had a crush on another girl.

I did not tell him who nor did he ask. After a little while later on a musically live on his account I asked for advice cause saying: I have a crush on two boys and a girl what do I do? He asked a few things about this girl. The two boys where a cover. Eventually I broke down and told him that he was the girl (he is trans. So he's a girl who wants to be a man). He was ok with it.

A few months later he confessed his feeling and we started dating. We had a fair at the park and rode our bikes in the rain. My dad had no clue he was coming. When we left I told my dad he was trans. And he was ok with it. I texted my friend about that and then told him I was gonna confess mine and his relationship to my dad.

My dad also accepted it. But when my mom found out she got upset. We had to secretly text me and the guy I was dating. But sadly as of a few days ago my mom found out a got upset and when I told him he said that he still loved me, but thought it was best we break up. He was also moving at that time. The last part was a few days ago and I'm still upset. Thankfully we're still good friends.

Oh and I'm bisexual. Thanks for reading. That's my milestone.

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