My story without an end

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By Anonymous


Hi guys, I'm someone from the Netherlands who's now 14 years old. 3 years ago, I fell in love with a girl. I'd already been falling in love with boys too. So I came to the conclusion that I'm bisexual. I thought that for 2 years, but now I'm doubting again.

I've talked about it with some people. My uncle who's bisexual, my gym teacher who's lesbian... She told me that I didn't had to label myself. I started thinking over it again, and everytime I came to the conclusion that I didn't had to label myself. If people asked about it, I would just say I'm bisexual.

I'm doubting about everything. Am I bisexual, straight, lesbian...? Maybe asexual? Demisexual? I don't know. I don't even know, if I've really fell in love with those people. I do feel attracted by both female and male. But I don't know if that are real feelings...

I'm not rushing. I'll just wait and see what's going to happen :).

If you are doubting? Take your time, and don't think about it too much. You don't have to label yourself. I know you could make yourself crazy by not knowing what you are, but just choose something that is closest to it.

Thank you for reading this.

Xxx Anonymous

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