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"My parents always told me that when life gives you lemons, you squeeze them in peoples faces," Unknown said.

And on with the story...

Xavier's pov

"Fuck she isn't answering!," I shouted.

"Calm down, we will find her," Cameron tried to reassure me.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Guys!," I turned around and saw Zack. "Hurry!," he shouted. We all ran after him.

He ran into a room and we all followed.

One after one people gasped. I turned to look at her.

My eyes widened in horror. Her head was down with her hair clouding around her face. Her beautiful white dress was ruined and painted with red. And the worst part was, that she was hanging from the ceiling by her hands, connected to chained handcuffs.

I ran up to her, I almost tripped over Dylan's passed out figure.

I picked up the knife from the ground and stabbed him beside his heart. He was still asleep but winced and began to sture.

I pulled it out and his eyes shot open. He looked at me and smirked, his teeth were covered in blood.

"I did what I wanted to, to that little bitch. She'll probably die before I d-," I stabbed him in the head.

Then I went up to Vanessa she lifted up her head. She was breathing softly.

"Vanessa," I whispered. "Vanessa," again, I whispered.

Her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at me. "X-xavier?," she whispered. I smiled, "yeah, come on, we've got to get you down," I said. "The keys are in one of his pockets," she said.

I went to Dylan's dead body. I picked his pockets. I found the keys and unlocked the handcuffs. As she fell, I carefully caught her. She winced. "I have a huge stab wound on my stomach," she told me.

I nodded.

I picked her up bridal style and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She put her head in the crook of my neck and breathed softly. Making me shiver, something only she noticed and could tell.

"Come on guys, lets get her to the hospital, again," I sighed. Everyone nodded and we left.

I drove to the hospital and ran in with Vanessa in my arm.

The doctors came out. "Again? Shot or what?," the same doctor asked me. "Stabbed," I mumbled.

They nodded and brought her into a room. Sadly, they forced me to sit outside her room.

Hours passed and the doctor came out. "She's fine. I stitched up her wound once I had cleaned in. I cleaned her other wounds as well. She is awake and asked to see an, Xavier, is that you?," she asked.

Other wounds? I didn't ask.

"Yes, thanks," I said. She nodded ans left as I walked into Vanessa's room.

I closed the door behind me.

I turned to Vanessa, she had a bandage around her right forearm, on the left side of her neck, and that was all I could see.

"You said, you would get me before anything happened," she whispered. I frowned as I walked up to her. "Vanessa, I tried. I truly did-," she stopped me. "I dont fucking care! You said you would," she almost shouted. "I trusted you," a tear fell down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away. "How come my life is so fucked up?," she whispered. So quietly I could barely hear it.

"Vanessa-," she cut me off. "Don't try and tell me its not! My mother died when I was 13, on my birthday. I found out I had a father. When I went to live with him, I got kidnapped! Till I was almost fucking 15! I was torched. Raped. Starved! Then the guy I had been dating for 3 years, slapped me and was killed by my father! Then you killed my only true family I had! Then when my old supposed friends show up at my door, I started dating one of them, then he turns out evil. I get shot by a gangleader that wanted revenge for what my father did to his. Then I was stabbed and whipped! Tell me my life isn't fucked up!," she shouted at me.

My mouth opened and closed, unable to make a sound.

She put her head in her hands as she silently began to cry with her shoulders shaking.

"Vanessa, I know you don't want me to pity you, so I won't. But I want to apologize, for killing your father. But, you know the rules. I want you to know that I truly am sorry for not reaching you fast enough. But, if I can, I want to be there for you as much as I can" she looked up at me, "when I first met you, you were fighting. I felt an immediate connection towards you. Like I was suppose to protect you and be by your side. No ones life is perfect though. There's a reason I'm like I am," I told her truthfully.

"Why?," she asked me quietly. "My parents were killed on my 13th brithday. A car wreck. I survived. I was sent to 15 different foster homes. I changed each time I was sent to a different home. Before they died I was a sweet kid, a nerd I guess you could say. My first adoption home I was quiet, never spoke a word to them. My second one I was abused for not speaking. Same with my 3rd and 4th time. On my 5th I started being a class clown. 6th I was the same. 7th I was abused again. 8th I was the rebel. Same with the rest. I was adopted over and over, no stopping. I was a likeable and cute kid," I chuckled humorlessly. "I started street fighting at the age of 15, then racing. Then I started started gang at 16, almost 17. The worst part is, my parents told me on my 13th birthday that they had a surprise for me, but I never got to know what it was."

Vanessa looked down, "I'm sorry. I know I over reacted."

I tilted her chin up, "don't be sad. I'm fine," she reached her hand up and wiped a tear away I didn't even know had fell. "I don't believe you," she whispered then pressed her lips against mine. I kissed back.

When we pulled away she smiled, "get some sleep, Vanesaa. I'll be here when you wake up," I told her. She nodded and scooted over. She patted the spot beside her.

I layed down beside her as she layed down on her back while I was on my side.

She scooted closer to me. I smiled as she placed her head on my chest. I kissed her forehead and whispered into her ear, "goodnight baby girl," don't think I missed the shiver she had. I smirked as we both fell asleep, me thinking,

Is it wrong I'm falling for her? I just hope she can catch me before its to late.

Hope you liked it.

Gang Leaders VS the World (Book 1 In Gang Leader series) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now