22- A Normal Day

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3rd person

Xavier has been out of his coma for over a year now and he and Vanessa are going on their first official date.

"Where something....normal for you," Xavier told her.

So she wore a black crop top, black ripped skinny jeans, and her combat boots.

When her door bell rang she quickly grabbed her phone and ran downstairs to get it.

She opened her front door to see Xavier with a small, but smug smirk on his face.

"Ready?," he asked as he held his hand out towards her. "Ready," she agreed as she took his hand.

She shut the door as they walked over to Xavier's new Harley motorcycle.

He got on then she followed behind, wrapping her arms around his chest.

Xavier had planned this out perfectly, but didn't plan on telling her what they were going to do. He wanted to surprise her.

To The Cage, Xavier thought.

As he pulled up to the corner where it was held he could feel Vanessa getting restless. He parked his bike and he and Vanessa got off.

"The Cage? You do know me," Vanessa wiped a fake tear away. He smiled at her before walking into the alley and climbing down the latter.

"Mason!," he turned to see Greg, the owner.

"Hey," he greeted Greg. He looked at Vanessa with a smirk, "finally got yourself a girl."

Xavier only rolled his eyes. "Anton fighting tonight?," Greg asked. Before Xavier could answer, Vanessa answered him.

"We both are. I'll go first," Xavier glanced down at her, she smiled up at him.

"Alright, get ready. You start in 5," Greg said as he walked away.

"Really? I have to fight too?," Xavier asked her. She nodded eagerly, "yea you have too," she said dramatically.

She went back into the girls locker room and changed into her clothes she had out into her locker. Whole Xavier went into the boys locker room and changed into his clothes he found in his locker.

They walked back out and Vanessa went up to the cage where Greg was waiting for her.

Xavier gave her a long kiss on the lips before heading into the crowd of crazy idiots.

"Ready?," Greg asked her. "Ready," she nodded.


Vanessa easily dodged her opponents hits, as he was very large and sloppy while she was small and trained.

She punched him in the jaw, he didn't even block her hit. He punched her in the jaw as well, even though she dodged.

She glared at him before doing a round house kick, sending him into the bars of the cage.

He groaned as he tried to stand but only fell back down.

She grinned as he blew off her nails and wiped it on her pants.

"WHO WANTS TO FIGHT THE FEMALE MASON!?," Greg's voice boomed over the crowds cheers.

"I'll go," Xavier said. Greg nodded and let him in.

"Just like old time," she grinned. "Just like old times," he nodded.


Ahe dodged his attacked and kicked his side, he almost grabbed her ankle but only ended up stumbling forwards as she kicked him in the ass.

He huffed, "I should've trained," he grumbled.

Vanessa only smiled at him. They got back into their stances.

Vanessa struck first. He blocked and punched her jaw. She stumbled into the bars. As he came at her, she acted hurt.

When he went up to her, she leaned agaisnt the bars and did a double kick into his gut.

He fell to the ground, groaning loudly.

"Sorry, baby boy," she grinned down at him.

Xavier looked up at his girl. And he couldn't be prouder to have her than right at this very moment.


After they were done at The Cage, they decided to go eat. It was only around 8:30 at night so most places were still open.

They went to McDonald's.

They sat down at a booth and ordered themselves food.

"So, where to next?," Vanessa asked him.

"It's a surprise," he grinned at her. She rolled her eyes with a small huff.


Finally done with their food Xavier drove them to their next destination.

The beach. Xavier had set up a place there with their bathing suits there.

As he parked the motorcycle Vanessa became happier and happier.

He held her hand as they walked over to the blanket that was layed out.

"Lets change," he said.

They changed into their bathing suits, and Xavier couldn't help but to admire her.

"Xaaavierrr....your staring," she whined playfully. He shook hsid head then smile, "I'm sorry, I coudnt help it," he told her. Then they went and played in the water.

It was now 10:30 and he and Vanessa were laying on the blanket.

Xavier sat up then leaned over ans pressed his lips to Vanessa's. She immediately kissed back. It turned into a full blown make-out session in seconds.

When they pulled away for air, Xavier decided it was finally time.

He went over to his clothes and pulled out the small black box that would change everything.

He went back over to Vanessa, who stared at him in pure curiosity.

He bent down on one knee in front of her and began to speak.

"Vanessa, I know, nothings been good for us since we started dating. Both our lives are.... aren't perfect. But, I think this...might change our luck," he opened the box to reveal a diamond ring.

"Vanessa Ray Addison, will you marry me?."

Tears gathered in her eyes as she nodded eagerly. "Yes I will marry you," he smiled as he slid the ring onto her finger. And they hugged, for the rest of their time at the beach.

The final real chapter! The next chapter will be the epilogue and maybe a few bonus chapters.

Let me clear some things up.

In this chapter Vanesaa is 19 and Xavier is 22.

They will be getting married in two more years.

Vanessa will be 21 and Xavier will be 24.

Yes their will be a snippet of the second book that will be about their daughter. And the bonus chapters will be over their daughter, Lana, growing up.

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