Keegan Takes a Stand

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Unknown's POV:

"Sir, here's that disease you asked me to bring you," I said and sat down a crate on the lab table. My coworker looked back at me and smiled.

"You don't have to call me sir. We share the lab," he said and gestured the lab over. "Go take a break," he suggested and pointed towards the door. I sighed and adjusted my lab coat as I walked towards the door and went out, navigating the building as I went outside like I normally did on a break. It was nice to get out and get some fresh air in the evenings. I stepped outside and stretched then started to walk as I slipped my name badge off my coat into my pocket and stuck my hands into my pocket.

After a bit of walking, I felt someone snatch me from an alley and shove me up against a wall. A girl looked up at me and smirked, exposing what looked like fangs. I widened my eyes and screamed as my heart sped up and I felt adrenaline rushing through my veins as she gave me a predatory look then bit into my neck before I could shove her away. I whimpered and gripped the front of her shirt as I slowly slid down the wall as my knees got weak. "Shh, be a good human and shut up," she hissed in my ear as she tore into my neck, making me cry out. I could feel my life force draining as the female kept me pinned. I heard gunfire go off then and the woman's eyes rolled into the back of her neck as she was shot. She suddenly busted, all her blood and organs fell, some of it getting on me.

"Watch where you step." I was warned by a girl, a small laugh breaking out from a nearby boy.

"Oh man... Did you see the way she exploded!?" The guy asked. "Man I love todays weapons. That was a vampire.... We bagged a vampire."

"Shut up," The lady hissed. "Bag the girl. We could sell her on the market but that bite mark is going to make her cheaper." She rolled her eyes in annoyance. V-vampire?! I looked their way and stood up shakily, putting a hand over my neck and then took off running quickly. No way in hell am I letting them touch me! They're insane! "She's getting away. Kyle, I don't want to loose this one. She's the perfect size." I heard the guy tsk and then take off running after me.

"It's a dead alley anyways." I widened my eyes. Dead alley! No! I looked around then saw an empty dumpster and quickly got in it, bringing the lid down and held it shut, shaking as I was finding it hard to think straight. "Wow... Very smart move kid."

"Step aside." I heard the girl shoot something then and the lid crashed down on me. I was yanked out of the dumpster then. "You're coming with us." I screamed and started to struggle.

"No! I'm not going anywhere with you! TIM!" I screamed out.

"TIM?" The guy asked. "What's TIM?" I started to think fast about my coworker, Tim. Maybe if they believe that I'm not alone... they'll let me go.

"Tim, he's my boyfriend," I said in a rush, lying about my relationship with him. "He's supposed to meet me here in a few minutes. He'll hunt you down," I warned and gave them a very serious look. "You better let me go!"

"Oh yeah? TIM is party of us?" They asked curiously. "What sector?" I frowned. What in the hell are they talking about.

"My boyfriend is going to kick your asses," I hissed and then shoved the girl back. "He's six foot three! Touch me again, and I swear you'll wish you've never been born." Oh man... I hope they buy this and leave.... "TIM! BABY!" I screamed out and started for the beginning of the alley.

"Can we just kill her?" The guy asked. "She's giving me a headache. We'll make more on the blood from the vampire back there."

"Yeah, she's got no idea what's going on. I'll let you kill her."

"I don't kill girls..."

"You kill vampire girls."

"I know... but this is a girl."

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