XVII || Brand New Day

Start from the beginning

"Is that... Is that how I died?"

You closed your eyes, trying to process just exactly what had happened in your dream. The pain, the blood, the fight... There was no doubt that what you had just witnessed was your own death.

"But that can't be right..." You shook your head in denial, mustering all your mental strength to search through your memories. "I... I left, didn't I? After their wedding?"

Yet, there was no confidence behind those words. In all honesty, you didn't have any recollection of disappearing in your previous life, like you had done so many times before.

Why couldn't you remember?

"I left." You insisted with a firm voice, hoping that the more you said it, the more confident you'd feel. "I left, and... And..." And then what?

Before you could continue to torture yourself, a series of knocks snapped you from your thoughts. Your head immediately snapped toward the door, the panic beginning to return.

"[Y/N]? You awake?" Before you could even answer, the door to your room slid open, and a familiar black-haired girl stepped in. "Hey, I brought your-"

Ashei went silent upon noticing your dishevelled form. Temporarily forgetting the tray in her hands, she set it down roughly on the nightstand by the door before running to you with worry written all over her face.

"Hey! Are you alright?"

You tilted your head back, seeing your own reflection within her dark pools. Your eyes grew wide upon noticing just how horrendous of a state you were in. Your eyes were bloodshot and swollen, and your [h/c] hair looked like a cucoo had made its nest in it.

Feeling a bit conscious, you averted your gaze and replied softly, "Um... Yeah."

Ashei sighed slightly in relief. "If you say so..." The tone of her voice told you that she didn't believe you. Before you could come up with some excuse, she spoke up once more, "I brought you breakfast. I thought maybe you'd be more comfortable eating up here."

You gave her a surprised look. Was she a mind-reader or something? Did Shad tell her what happened? Maybe Link?

The black-haired girl returned your confused expression with a knowing smile. "You don't have to tell me about it, but is it okay if I just say that you're going to have to make a decision soon?"

You pressed your lips tightly together in discontent. You knew that Ashei meant well, but her words were much easier said than done. You knew you shouldn't have expected any constructive advice, seeing as she was (maybe?) unaware of finer details. Still... It would be nice to get an outside perspective. You know, from someone who wasn't part of this triangle and who wasn't devoted to the divine.

"What would you do?"

Ashei raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised you actually asked. "Me...? Hm... I don't think it would matter what I'd do. This is your life, [Y/N] and yours alone. I think, instead of moping around all the time, you should really start living it. You only have this one life!"

"That's... Well..." That's right.

She was absolutely right.

This was your life and yours alone. Sure, you might be reincarnated with all your memories in tack, but at this moment, right here and now, you were living your life. These thoughts, feelings, dreams, and goals... They were yours and only made possible by the people and the events in this lifetime.

The next life would be different. You'd craft different memories. When that time comes, and your memories are plunged into the deep recesses of your soul, what did you want to remember?

"That... I... Wow..." was all you managed to say.

Ashei's features softened considerably. She was beginning to regret the harsh tone she used with you. Just as she was about to apologize, however, she saw the fog lift from your [e/c] eyes, and a smile appear on your face.

"That helps out a lot, thank you!" You tilted your head back, showing Ashei a grateful smile.

The black-haired girl slowly returned your smile. Then she gave you a quick up and down before excusing herself. "I'll let you freshen up, okay? And just letting you know we're heading up Death Mountain in about an hour."

"What?!" You cried out in alarm. Without wasting another second, you sprang from your seat and bolted to the bathroom. [1]

You had completely forgotten about that! That was the whole reason the Adventurer's Guild was in Kakariko Village in the first place. One way or another, the guild managed to obtain permission from the Gorons and Princess Zelda to explore the Fire Temple.

You quickly began to draw a bath, all while peeling your stinky clothes off. You couldn't wait to hop in and scrub, scrub, scrub!

Outside, Ashei merely giggled in amusement. Her smile faltered, however, as your crying face appeared in her head. Before her mind could dwell on it any longer, she quickly shook her head and dismissed those thoughts.

⋆✩✮✩ ━━━━━━✩✮✩⋆

In the room just down the hall, Link laid sprawled across his bed. The sheets were tangled around his body, and the pillows had been long discarded onto the ground.

He didn't get a single wink of sleep last night.

Just knowing that you were somewhere all alone and hurt and crying... That was enough to keep the hero up all night. He couldn't stop thinking about you; he couldn't stop picturing your crying face in his mind.

Link wanted so desperately to run to you. He wanted to comfort you, to hold you, and tell you everything was going to be okay... But he knew that wasn't the right thing to do. It would probably just upset you even more.

He quickly shook his head, trying to erase that depressing image from his mind. He couldn't spend his time like this anymore! He had his moment of weakness. He had already mourned for the loss of your affections. He was the hero of Hyrule, for crying out loud! Did moping around do him any good when he was fighting against the Twilight?

Nope! And that wouldn't do any good for him right now.

It was time for Link to stop wallowing in his self-pity and really start thinking of the future.

A determined look appeared across the hero's face as his resolve hardened. Suddenly filled with energy, he sprang up from his bed, threw the sheets off, and proceeded to get ready for the day.

It was time for Link to start thinking of you. You and him together.

He needed to earn your trust again. He needed to show you that he wanted you. He needed to show you that he could take care of you. He needed to show you that he really did love you. He needed to show you that, despite whatever the Gods had planned, it would be okay. Because at the end of the day, forevermore, you were the only one Link loved.

And he would always love you.

⋆✩✮✩ ━━━━━━✩✮✩⋆

[1] Without wasting another second, you sprang from your seat and bolted to the bathroom ---- I want to say there are actual bathrooms in Twilight Princess. But I could be wrong... Sorry!

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