The door to his office jingled but he paid to mind to it. He couldn't allow his pack to see him in that state.

Nineteen members were injured. Five of whom would never open their eyes again, eleven who were still battling for their life, two who were stable and one in coma.

A tear left a hot trail down his cheek. He wiped it in one motion with the back of his hand.

"There's still hope," he whispered to himself.

He spent another minute in solitude and silence, regaining composure.

When he was ready, Andrew rose and pulled the door to his office open, allowing Nick, Will and Victor inside, then shut it again.

Nick wore a solemn expression. His eyes were red rimmed though his glasses made it difficult to spot.

Andrew walked to his chair, but didn't take a seat. "Will, how is it looking with the injured?"

"Sir, they're recovering fast. I can confirm no more deaths, but…" he left the rest unspoken.

Andrew nodded, his lips a thin line. "We need to tighten our security. Victor, please make arrangements to see Alpha Darren."

His ears peaked upon hearing that. "Sir, are you sure...? Do we really need to involved the Ruby pack?"

Andrew's brows pulled together, "we are in need of advanced weapons. After yesterday's attack it is certain they will not fight like real werewolves. If they want to use such undignified means to fight we must counter it the same way, with more force."

Victor nodded, his head bowing in admission.

"Please report back to me as soon as you can," Andrew turned to Will, "and please keep me informed on how the injured are doing," he walked around his desk, heading for the door.

"We will discuss more later. I'm going to see my son, now," Andrew's voice was quiet.

He walked out of the office, leaving the door open behind him. Nick followed him in silence. They entered Ray's room.

The door gently clicked shut behind the men. The room was spacious enough to accommodate the three of them without looking congested.

"He's still alive," Nick spoke.

"I know."

"He'll wake up soon."

There was a pause. "I hope so."

Nick's eyes wandered over the plastic ziplock bag on the table. It held the remnants of the silver bullets. A lot of the silver had dissolved into Ray, but they had managed to pull most of it out. It had already caused too much damage to his body by then. Despite being such a powerful wolf, he crippled under silver. Nick could have never imagined that were possible if he hadn't seen it by his own eyes.

"The stronger the wolf, the more damaging silver is to them. It was created by humans especially in a way to bound us, the strong ones in particular," Andrew spoke quietly.

He walked towards the plush bed, sinking into the mattress next to Ray's leg. The bite and scratch wounds the enemy wolves had given Ray still hadn't healed. The white bandages spotted red where the wounds still bled.

"But Ray…?"

Ray's face was peaceful, his hair spread on the pillow like a halo.

Nick shuffled onto an armchair by the window, facing the bed.

"He has to regain consciousness, he must."

Andrew didn't reply.

They sat in silence until the sunlight waned and the day came to an end.

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