This Was a Bad Idea!

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-Jade and the crew! Now let's roll the tap- echm echm chapter. :D


I swear out of the worst ideas this group ever had- this one right here had to be the number 1. Throughout the entire day, we had to stop for the trio behind us for they kept on hiding in places that didn't hide the mammoth very well.

I couldn't believe Ellie was thiis dumb to believe she was small and a possum that hiding would actually protect her from danger.

I lost count of how many times I've sighed, face-palmed myself, that Manny has smacked Sid for making an idiotic comment or Diego had to hold me back from slapping Sid a second time.

At this point in time, I'm pretty sure we all had gotten into the routine of just sitting down for next three minutes or so before we all started to move again.

It was mid-day, we were walking through a very rocky terrain trying to catch up with the others who were going to the land boat though we all knew, we were the slowest of the crowd.

The boys and I were leading the way while the three possums were hiding. Noticing they were lagging, we all stopped and watched as Ellie's brothers, who we found out were named Crash and Eddie, popped out a before hiding in a tree. ("Come on Ellie!!!" The two urged her)

She followed them but hid behind the tree trunk, which, as you guessed, didn't hide her so well or fully,

Manny sighed in annoyance. "We'll never make it at this pace" He muttered, "Ellie!! It's okay to lose the camouflage, you're safe!!" He called,

"Okay!!!" She called back though I heard her scoff under breath and mutter something.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, shaking my head, "Why does she think she's a possum when she is clearly a mammoth?" I asked, looking back at the girl mammoth with strangeness.

"Maybe she hit her head too hard one time?" Diego suggested with a shrug of his shoulders,

"That or she was dropped as a child," Sid murmured. Manny huffed out a breath and raised his trunk, readying it to hit the sloth when I raised my paw, ("I got it") and whacked him hard on the head, "Owww!!"

"Thank you" The mammoth sighed gratefully,

"No problemo"

"HAWK!!" came from behind us making us jump a few feet in the air as the ground shook violently (THUMP!) We turned around and saw, Ellie, Crash, and Eddie on the ground. We exchanged a weird look before going over to them.

"What are you doing?" Manny asked her.

"Playing dead..." She mumbled from the side of her mouth,

Sid, who stood next to Manny, smiled, "Hey, Manny, why don't you do that?" He asked, stupidly for the probably millionth time today.

The stubborn male rolled his eyes and sighed inwardly with annoyance, "Because I'm a mammoth!!" He snapped at him, making Sid recoil in fear.

"But you do it for treats right?" I smacked myself with yet another sigh ("That's a tamed wolf, Sid" Diego corrected) before looking up at Manny. He nodded his head and I bopped the sloth on the head.

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