"I was hoping you'd be a girl. I always wanted a sister." Although she was truly excited to eventually have Deva as a sister in law.

Adamarius chuckled. "I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm pretty sure I can paint your nails if you need a girlfriend to talk to."

Izzy was touched by his playful gesture. "Well that's a relief."

His smile was genuine.

"It's ridiculous how much you look like my triplet brothers. Well except your tanner and a bit more...bulkier."

"I'll take that as a compliment. I'm Adamarius. I'm thrilled to finally meet you Elizabeth." He stretched out his hand.

Izzy shook it politely. "Oh please just call me Izzy. I'm your incredibly smart talented little sister."

"I've never had one of those."

"Well you can't get rid of me now." Izzy threw down the duffle bag she was carrying. "I come bearing gifts."

"I think I'm going to like this whole little sister thing."

She grinned pulling out a few clothes from the bag. "I know you came here with nothing. These are old clothes my brothers don't wear anymore. They'll probably be a bit tight on you but it will have to do till I take you shopping for a new wardrobe."

His face scrunched a smudge. So it seemed he wasn't too keen on wearing his brothers' hand-me-downs.

Adamarius swallowed his pride and accepted the clothes graciously. "Thank you Izzy. Your kindness means a lot."

"Would you like a tour of the castle? My schedule is quite free at the moment?"

He nodded respectfully. "Yes I'd love one."

Deva held the divine glass of wine to her lips and drank savoring the dark starry night as she did so. The moon looked unrealistic, too bright. She could see small crater wholes on the surface of it. It was unbelievably captivating. The air was not as cold as it was a few days ago so that left Deva in a thin sweater.

Placing her hand on the railing of the balcony she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to clear her thoughts. So much has happened in her life that she felt it had to be a dream; a dream where vampires, lycans, and kingdoms existed.

Heavy footsteps snuck up behind her but she didn't bother to look up. She felt her calming mood and sense of peace crumbling at the sight of him. Adamarius didn't acknowledge her presence as he stood there just as mesmerized by the view as she was. Deva took a step back getting ready to leave.

"Try not to howl at the moon tonight. Some of us actually like to sleep."

He tilted his head in her direction. "And maybe some of us should watch our backs."

Her eyes twinged with accusation. What was he implying? "Are you threatening me mutt?"

"Perhaps but what's the point of threatening you? You have your three little princes to protect you. Yet it would be rather entertaining."

Deva inched closer to his very intimidatingly tall form. "No. I think I'll just call the pound. They put ugly mutts like you down every day."

Adamarius growled through his teeth. "I can rip your throat apart little girl before you even take your next breath."

Deva's lips curled into an amused grin. "Aww is the big bad wolf trying to scare me? In case you haven't noticed it's going to take a lot more than sharp teeth and long claws to keep me up at night."

Deva turned on her heels before he could give her that look like she was his next victim.

"You forget little red riding hood that this wolf is also half vampire."

Royal Pain (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now