"You sure know how to leave a mark."

"Yes but next time I'll try not to miss."

His intense green eyes stared back at her with much amusement. "Aww you still holding that against me?"

She hated his tantalizing tone and yelled, "You tried to kill me!"

He smirked, the corner of his lips almost reaching his eyes. "No."

"Correct me if I'm wrong but having an incredibly devilish beast snapping its sharp teeth towards my face is typically what I call wanting me dead."

"Noooo," he exaggerated. "That was what I like to call love bites."

Love bites she yelled in her head. "I'll give you love bites the next time I get close enough."

"Is that a promise?"

Silence deafened the room. Deva had to stop to collect herself and remember to not let him get to her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted a little family reunion. Is that such a crime?" His eyes glistened with mischief.

"You really should try lying better because you suck at it."

He flashed her another evil smile that only sent chills down her spine. She didn't trust him, but before he could respond the royal family came barging in. Lucian frowned when he saw her.

"What are you doing in here?"

The lycan quickly responded for her. "We were just having a delightful conversation. Weren't we, pet?"

She raised her brow. "Oh yes. I was teaching the dog a few new tricks. Sit." She commanded and he growled at her. "Now growl. Good little mutt."

Izzy and Marcus both laughed and the lycan quickly turned to scowl them.

The Queen interrupted, taking a step in the lycan's direction. "What is your name son?" Her deep motherly stare and voice softened the lycan's attitude.


The Queen held a warm smile and a soft cry. "Do you know who I am Adamarius?"

"You are Queen of this kingdom and also my mother."

She nodded with encouragement. "Yes that's right but how do you know that?"

Adamarius straighten his back and scanned the room of faces. He showed no sign of hatred.

"I've lived for over 600 years. My father raised me and never spoke of you but one day he disappeared and never came back. I was taken in by my uncle and eventually he told me. I had to force it out of him. I didn't believe it but when I saw the princes' faces in news articles or other medias I couldn't deny the resemblance." His green eyes landed on Darius' face. "Frankly it's incredibly bizarre how similar I look like them."

"What made you come here?" Izzy defenses were up even for a person she shared the same blood with.

Adamarius smiled at her. "Where else was I supposed to go? My people were slaughtered. I have been lost for so long, living in the vampire world. You have no idea how extremely difficult it is to conceal that beastly part of you." He sighed. "Well as you did see. Suppressing that side of me only controls me later."

"But you're a cross breed," Deva spoke up. "How are you even alive? How did you survive the massacre?"

He turned his head slightly with irritation. "My vampire and lycan side are both under control... at the moment. It is when I am emotionally driven that they collide and all goes wrong. That is how I survived the massacre because I can control myself when the need comes."

Royal Pain (Rewritten)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang