Ch. 31 The Origin

Start from the beginning

Walking down the brisk hallway Deva felt a tight cringe in the pit of her stomach. Like always, she forced it down because she didn't want to think or feel anything that didn't pertain to her current mission.

Her cell room was made of dark grey painted stone walls. Amy had dingy clothes hanging off her body. She lazily raised her gaze when Deva reached her cage.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the little princess. Not dead like I hoped, but the attempt did make me feel better."

"You're the dead one."

Amy patronized Deva with her vindictive smile. "But it was worth it."

"Was it?" Deva snapped. "Did you really think that Darius would love you after you killed me?"

Amy deliriously nodded. "He saved me you know. He gave me his blood. He was supposed to love me." Her insane and desperate cry was for attention.

"Why was he supposed to love you?"

Deva babbled in Amy's delusional world. Her own curiousness was awakened since she too shared Darius' blood.

"He took me in, let me stay. I am his."

Deva pitied the stupid girl. She was psychotic and desperately in love with a vampire prince who saved her life in an act of charity and humanity.

Then again could Deva really blame her? After all she did fall victim to Darius' charm and fell in love with him too?

Deva shook her head and muffled a laugh. "Yeah he took you in as a maid."

Amy's cold gray eyes narrowed. "He took care of me. He loves me."

"It's called pity, kindness, mercy but I can see how you got that confused in your deluded fantasy world."

It triggered a nerve for Amy and she rose up in seconds. She hissed baring her teeth but there were no fangs. She wasn't a vampire but for some reason this spoke to Deva. Amy wanted to be one. She wanted Darius to turn her.

"Why did he save you? What happened to you?"

Amy took deep vigorous breaths. "I was ten. Darius found me in the woods lying in a pool of blood. I couldn't remember how I got there or what happened to me. I can't remember any part of my life before Darius saved me. He fed me his blood on a long shot. He said I was nearly dead but his blood miraculously healed me. I'm alive because of him. I can't remember a life without him."

Darius was her savior, her guardian, her shelter, and eventually he became her everything. How could Deva be angry now? Amy was raised in the castle. Worshipped her savior from afar but always had him close. He was her everything from a young age. She looked to be in mid-thirties that meant that she had loved Darius for more than twenty years.

"He's had years to see you, to truly see you as more than just the little girl he had saved. I'm sorry he couldn't love you the same way." Deva's sympathy came from the heart.

Amy, shocked by Deva's apologetic mood, staggered back against the wall. Deva's outstretched shared feelings were an eye opener for her. It forced Amy to digest the real facts about her undiminished love for a man who would never share the same affection.

"He loves me." Amy chanted continuously because even the slighted lack of faith would destroy her.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the distance.

"Deva what are you doing here?" Darius' voice was gentle yet laced with fearful concern.

"I needed some answers."

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