Severus was left alone in his trashed quarters with nothing to do but clean up, think about what could happen to his beloved Jasmine, and to hope that she and their child was going to be okay. As he slowly started to get all the papers off of the kitchen floor and put them back on the  counter he saw a small sparkle of something wedged under the table. As he lifted the table up he realized it was the little cat charm that hung off of Jasmine's necklace, that never came off of her neck unless she was showering. And what was written on the back of it was something that made his blood boil, stop what he was doing, and storm off to find the headmaster and McGonagal.

3rd Person Point of View (Jasmine)

Jasmine had stormed out of Snape's classroom and ran right into Percy Weasley.

"You know you are suppose to wait in the classroom until a prefect comes to get you Jasmine, it is not safe for you to be wandering the halls by yourself.", he scolded her.

"I had to turn in a paper that was late. And I was completely safe thank you. I am going to back to my quarters, if you would like to make sure 'you are safe'.", she said harshly before she started walking away from Severus's classroom.

She sighed as she heard Percy's faint footsteps following behind her, but she ignored him. Her feet hit the stone floor harder than they usually did causing the normally soft thud to sound like a horse was walking down the hallway. Her heart beat was raised and her breathing was a bit heavy causing her nostrils to flare when she exhaled. Thoughts were racing through her mind, causing her to not hear what Percy had said.

Jasmine jumped as his hand gently grabbed her arm, "You missed the turn to your quarters, are you okay?"

"It has just been a long day is all.", she replied and walked back the couple of steps to turn down to where her quarters were.

The hallway was darker than usual due to a few candles that had been blown out, that Jasmine wrote off as the slight draft that often came through. There was a soft rustle that was barely noticeable as she uttered the password quietly causing the hair on the back of her neck to stand up.

"Percy, did you hear that?", she asked.

"Hear what?", Percy asked back.

"It sounded like someone was walking down the hall.", Jasmine said as more candles started to flicker and go out.

"Jasmine, get in your quarters and close the door, now!", Percy yelled as he started to head back down the hallway, drawing his wand from his pocket.

Jasmine scrambled inside of the door and tried to push it closed, but right before it closed a hand and a foot got in the way. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest as she heard a thump, which she knew had to be Percy's body colliding with the floor. There was no one to help her now, she was on her own.

She fought to keep the door from flying open, but when another set of hands wrapped around the door, she knew there was no hope. The door was pushed out of her fingers and it slammed against the wall, letting Jasmine see the faces of who was trying to get to her.

"You lot of bloody imbeciles!", she screamed when she realized who they were. "You know that there is no place to go that Dumbledore won't search for me."

"Oh, we don't have to worry about that. Cause you won't be staying on school grounds.", one of the boys said and stepped farther into the room.

Jasmine stepped away from both of the boys and when they started to run after her she screamed and ran. All she could see and hear were papers flying everywhere, dishes shattering, furniture being broken and overturned, and the sink being busted. She tried to stay away from them, but as they cornered her in Severus's bedroom she knew she had nowhere else to go. Her heart stopped when one of the boys picked up her sketch book and started to flip through the pages.

"So we were correct when she said she was screwing the potions teacher. There are hundreds of sketches in here of him.", he said as he tossed it to the other.

"She can catch the details pretty well. His hair still looks greasy.", the other chuckled before he started to slowly tear pages out of the book and rip them up.

"STOP! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE DOING THIS!", Jasmine screamed as all of her favourite drawing of Severus fell to the ground, ruined.

In that moment something inside of her broke, all of the rage she had kept hidden finally came to the surface and her eyes seemed to glow red. The boys looked at her with their mouths open before they took a step back and dropped the sketch book, totally forgetting about it. Jasmine jumped at them snarling and swinging her fists, connecting with their faces. But they quickly over powered her and dragged her screaming out of the quarters. Taking her only god knows where.



Almost 1,600 words! I am so happy with how this came out. And I just hope that y'all like it too.

So leave your feedback and tell me who you think Jasmine's kidnappers are. And stay tuned to find out.

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