Schooled Part 4

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AUGUST 4, 01:06 EDT

"The Amazo android is in pieces, again," Aqualad said, as he reported their mission to the Justice League members: Batman, Red Tornado, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, and Green Arrow. "Safely being analyzed at the two separate STAAR Labs; but Ivo escaped, and since he originated the tech, he's arguably more dangerous than the android."

"Capturing the professor will be a League priority," Black Canary said, after Aqualad had finished his report.

"But we understand your mission encountered...other complications," Martian Manhunter chimed in.

The team glanced pointedly at Superboy, and a few temporary ones rested on Ephyra. Superboy glanced away with an awkward look, while Ephyra crossed her arms over her chest, as Superboy had his arms, and gave her teammates a glare.

Batman stepped forward until he was in front of the team. "Complications come with the job," he said. "You're ability to handle them has impressed the League."

"The whole, League?" Superboy asks, with hope lingering in his tone.

Batman looked at Superboy. "Given time, yes," he said reassuringly. Then to further prove he knew who Superboy was referring to he added, "Kryptonians, as you know, have very hard heads."

A small smile came to Superboy's lips and he glanced at Ephyra. She returned it with a small smile of her own.

"Of course, there's no shame in asking for help – that's why the League exists," Batman adds, " because there are some problems even we can't handle, individually."

"Please," Robin said, sounding annoyed, though it came off in an exasperated tone. Ephyra gave him a quizzical look. Was she missing something?

"If we needed help," Robin continued, "we'd never get the chance to ask," he said digging in his utility belt. He pulled out an arrow with a green, feathery-end.

"Look familiar," Robin asks holding it up. "You were following us!"

Red Tornado and Green Arrow walked up next to Batman, as the Dark Knight took the arrow from Robin and eyed it.

"Babysitting!" Robin snapped slightly in an annoyed tone. "You still don't trust us!"

Green Arrow stood next to Batman and took the arrow Batman held, inspected it, before taking out one of his own, from his quiver and holding it up to the arrow Robin had.

"We didn't follow you," Batman said.

Ephyra immediately noticed the difference in the arrows. One was darker than the other, and Green Arrow's had razor edges, rather than just a point.

"And that's..not your arrow," Robin said glancing between both the projectiles.

The Boy Wonder's eyes brightened suddenly. "But that means - "

" - Speedy!" Kid Flash says catching on.

"He has our backs," Aqualad says with a smile.

Ephyra frowned. He thought Speedy was supposed to have red arrows...but the ones before them were both green.

Kid Flash sped forward and took the arrow from Green Arrow. "Souvenir!"

Ephyra rolled her eyes with a deep sigh.

Out of the corner of her she didn't miss the look Batman and Green Arrow exchanged. They knew something.

Ephyra stretched her arms up and over her head, when she heard Superboy clear his throat and step forward, towards Black Canary.

"I'm ready." That was all Superboy said and Black Canary gave him a smile.

"Good, because I'm here," she replied.

Ephyra couldn't help but feel happy for him. He'd made another breakthrough, not just with the mission but with people in general as well. And the non-disappearing smile on his face made her a little happier.

Also, as much as she would like to take on Superman and make him feel pain for hurting Superboy repeatedly, she had a small taste of what that would be like thanks to Amazo.

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