Schooled Part 2

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AUGUST 3, 13:06 EDT

"Recognized: Superboy B04; Ephyra B05."

When Ephyra materialized, she followed after Superboy, feeling the same anger and frustration that he did.

She realized that the team was in the center of the room, playing holographic air hockey. How fun for them – guess everyone didn't mind not doing missions then.

Superboy was clearly not in the mood for talking because he strode straight forward, through their holographic game, causing it to disappear, and didn't respond to Miss Martian's greeting.

"Hi, Superboy," the green girl said in a friendly tone, her smile bright and welcoming. She always seemed to light up when she saw him and it was disturbing. "How was Metropolis?"

When she didn't receive a response, her eyebrows furrowed slightly to a sad frown, and her smile fell away.

A small clearing of a feminine throat took place, causing Kid Flash to turn around to the source, the other's just looking to the source.

Ephyra stopped in her stride to follow Superboy and paused spotting Black Canary, and her gaze brightened.

"Ready for training everyone," she asked, walking from the shadows with Martian Manhunter by her side.

"Black Canary," Miss Martian greeted, "Uncle J'onn!" she exclaimed. She quickly walked forward, stopping when she'd given her uncle a hug.

Ephyra glanced at Superboy but he was too busy on the opposite side of the room, glaring at the floor – brooding. Her gaze went away from him, despite the tugging in her heart and she looked back to Black Canary and Martian Manhunter.

Martian Manhunter had pulled back slightly and rested a hand on his neice's shoulder, "M'Gann," he replies in greeting. "I the neighborhood. So, I thought I'd see how you were adjusting."

Miss Martian began a bit uneasy, before her tone became steadier. "Um...a few bumps, but I'm learning," she says in a chipper tone, offering him a smile.

"That's all I can ask," Martian Manhunter replied.

The smile made Ephyra want to barf. It slowly irritated her though when she noticed Superboy glance over his shoulder towards the duo.

Superboy, you know –

Don't bother. Superboy interjected. Doesn't matter.

Superboy started walking off, to his room, to wander, or go to the gym to put a hole in something. Black Canary had other plans.

"Stick around," Black Canary called to him; it was a command.

Superboy stopped and then turned around, arms crossing over his chest, irritation clearly written across his gaze.

"Class is in session," Black Canary states, walking forward to the center of the room. The floor beneath her lit up into luminescent pale-blue, white. It spread until it filled up half the room, forming a circle.

"I consider it an honor to be your teacher," she replies walking forward a few steps and then turning, giving Superboy her back, and facing the others. Her hands gripped the edge of her short, chest-high jacket. "I'll throw a lot at you," she informs them. She takes off her jacket. "Everything I've learned from my own mentor," she says before letting out a small hiss of pain, going stiff as one of her arm bends to get out of the sleeve, "and my own bruises."

Ephyra noticed one of her arms had a bandage wrapped around the bicep area.

"What happened?" asked Miss Martian, concerned.

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