Fireworks, Part 1

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July 5, 00:01 EDT

Ephyra awakens from her unconscious state and blinks slowly. Propping herself up on her forearm, she realizes she isn't chained or tied; adding to her confusion she realized she wasn't even in a pod. That faded quickly as her gaze shifted upward to see Superboy watching her with curiosity.

He learned quickly not to stand so close to her again when she was waking up from an unconscious state because he was currently a few feet away from her cradling his sore jaw with a hand. He watched the girl across from him who was a fighting stance, crouched low. Ephyra had done a swift roundhouse to his jaw after shooting up from her position on the ground.

"Who're you?" She demands the boy.

There's no answer.

She looks at him thoughtfully. For a moment she thought he couldn't speak at all, but that wasn't what got her to take her guard down – it was the non-threatening demeanor his face and body posture held and the non-existent wild look in his eyes. She stood up straight and noticed that he walked a few paces forward before resuming his place staring at three pods. She glanced around the room realizing it was different than the one she her acquaintances had found the boy in. Her gaze came to rest on the pods and she felt a little uneasy at seeing the three young heroes inside. All three were bound by their wrists in thick metal, maybe platinum cuffs attached to the back walls of the small pods. Their legs were suspended, and the space too small to try and get free with kicking. "What is going to happen to them?" She asks the boy walking to stand by his side to get a better look at here acquaintances. She glanced at him, "Can you even speak?" She asks impatiently. Still she received no answer and sniffed in annoyance, before watching the pods. "Maybe if I subdue you you'll see it my way." She says in a soft growl of annoyance, though when she glances at him she catches the faint curling of the corner of his lips. Was that...was he? He's freaking amused! She thought fuming. He didn't even see her as a threat, so she crossed her arms over her chest and clenched her jaw.

A couple of minutes passed and she considered asking the boy if they should free the teenagers before the...guy in the white lab coat came back in. She stopped herself from doing so assuming it would be useless. She let out a sigh. "They're heroes I think. They're....they're real. They don't deserve-" she stops when he glances at her.

He was giving her weird look before grunting fiercely as if to say no.

She narrows her eyes, "Yeah, well don't think you can put me back in my pod again without a fight." She says aggressively. All he did was give another smile of amusement. He still didn't consider her a threat! Her fists clenched but before she could say or do anything else her attention snapped back to the pods at the sound of the young heroes waking up; all had sucked in a startling breath as they came back to conscious states.

For a few seconds, she and the boy just stared at the heroes and they back at them.

Finally after a few moments Kid Flash spoke, a little put off by the staring, especially the boy's. "What? W-What do you want?"

Superboy just frowned a little at his sudden words.

"Quit staring, you're creeping me out!" He shouts uncomfortably and a little anxiously.

Robin glances at the speedster, "Uh KF? How 'bout we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look."

Ephyra frowned at that statement. What did they mean? She gave the boy a wary look realizing that she didn't know all of his powers, only that he had strength and speed...and anger issues.

She didn't have time to mull it over more, when Aqualad's cool and composed voice sounded. "We only sought to help you – both of you." He says his eyes flickering to her before back to the boy.

Young Justice: EphyraWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu