Solution to the Problem

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A/N: Hello everyone, I know I said this in the last chapter, but I just wanted to give you another heads up. We're back in preset time now.

The beginning of this chapter is like a recap of the past few days up till now.

The past several days had been awful or seemed to be as she realized she was avoiding the brooding and depressed state she'd entered since her squabble with Superboy.

She'd done everything she could to drive the thought from her mind to asking advice.

She spent the first four days trying to get advice and doing activities that would distract her. All throughout, she received nothing from Superboy, not even a mindlink on a mission they shared.

The first day she'd gone to Gotham City and hung out Sean as he took her on a tour of the area. He even showed her his school, Gotham Academy, and she was impressed by it of course. He even suggested that she apply, and she said she'd think about it - "living" in Star City would prove tricky to explain of course, but there might be hope.

They chatted and he even explained some of the sayings he meant in his insults that he'd used on Bradley back at Jitters. Apparently she'd gained a teacher in the use of inappropriate language, but he knew how to use it in a sophisticated manner, so kudos to him.

They parted ways near his condo and she left to go to Star City, hoping Ted might have some advice.

She and Ted sparred for the rest of the day and she stayed at his apartment, in a spare room, which he deemed hers. Shortly after checking out her room, she explained what the whole name situation had caused.

He'd basically told her to let time handle it and not to push or it might make things worse.

The second day she'd decided to spend the day in Star City at Ted's place and research different schools that she might be able to go to. She didn't have the slightest clue as to what would be so great about school but assumed it wouldn't be bad to experience, especially if she got into the same one as Sean.

It hurt a bit, because she'd wanted to go with Superboy, but she felt as if she shouldn't push that when lately it seemed like it wasn't going to happen.

The rest of her day was spent training in Ted's gym with Gregory, and helping him keep the gym in check.

Even he noticed her mood, but she wouldn't explain much of it, feeling the matter would depress her even more.

The third day she spent with Black Canary taking a counseling session with her at the cave, when she was feeling more downcast about Superboy's everlasting silence towards her.

All Dinah told her was to let time pass and that this situation would have to be between Superboy and Superman, and that it didn't involve her, that she was just caught in the crossfire.

In the afternoon the team even noticed the distance between them as they went on another mission to Salt Flats, Colorado.

They were able to stop one of the two villains, Physco-Pirate, from stealing a canister of plutonium. The second assailant, Atomic Skull, arrived to help, but was able to escape when he was starting to be overwhelmed.

The Team didn't count it as a loss because they able to capture Phsyco-Pirate and get the canister of plutonium.

Even in the end asides from using the Miss Martian's mental link on the mission, he didn't speak to her mentally or otherwise, during or after the mission.

She used up the rest of her day sparring with Black Canary to try and push away the frustrations.

The fourth day she left to go visit Atlantis.

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