Drop-Zone, Part 2

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The plan was working perfectly and everyone seemed to be on the same page thanks to Aqualad. Kid Flash, Ephyra, and Flamewalker were responsible for holding off the goons and that was a success so far. She lost sight of Kobra shortly after Robin went after him alone.

Aqualad was handling the creature well subduing him with water and electricity, as Superboy was busy distracting Sportmaster, long enough for Miss Martian to plant the explosives in the chopper. Everything was going smoothly that is until an extra squad of goons showed up and the scenario they had just escaped less than an hour ago, appeared to be repeating itself. Ephyra and Kid Flash never stopped taking out goons, while Flamewalker provided aerial support.

He got distracted by Miss Martian being taken hostage by Sportmaster and a goon got in a lucky shot that sent him crashing down. He managed to roll over to his feet and nimbly executing a fluid move where he spun on his shoulders and forearms and used his legs to kick away three men, before launching himself up in the air with his hands and flipped, before hurling a barrage of fireballs at five men. Ephyra was definitely impressed. He was busy sending a trail of fire to ward off six others, while Kid Flash flanked them and was completely unaware of three men rushing up behind him.

Ephyra thought quickly and her gaze rested on Aqualad and she drew some of his water to her, before it encased her arms and she swung down using them like an octopus almost and sent two sprawling unconscious on the ground. She grabbed the gun with water limb and slammed it into the third goon's gut before bringing it across his jaw and then down on his back and lastly his head, in quick, swift, deadly-aimed strikes that rendered him quiescent within seconds.

Flamewalker spun around at the noise in a fighting stance and looked surprised. "Thanks," he said offering her a smile.

Ephyra shrugged, "Don't mention it. Now you owe me one." She said but returned his smile with a smirk of her own. "Consider it a pass to 'get in my way' when I can't handle something." Flamewalker's smile widened and it was warmer this time which caused her a moment of confusion as to what she had said to deserve that look (of course the confusion was momentary).

An explosion sounded above and snapped their attention skyward, before they watched the chopper crash down on the warehouse sending it up into flames.

She turned and glanced at Flamewalker before she noticed her teammates rushing over to a large figure with a smaller figure under its foot. She flew over before halting, water still incasing her arms, as she readied herself to defend her teammate.

Kobra took them all in, in sweep of his venomous gaze, before backing into the shadows of the forest. "Another time then," he says, before disappearing.

Robin rushes over pulling back a branch only to find nothing but more jungle. He pauses there before walking back over offering Aqualad a smile.

"We picked the right guy to lead." He walks pass Aqualad and stretches out his arms as a gesture to the enflamed factory. "Automatically making you the right guy to explain this mess to Batman," he adds with a cackle.

Ephyra drops to the ground letting the water leave her arms, "Don't worry, he's just joking." She reassured him (at least she hoped).

"Yeah," Flamewalker said softly punching Aqualad's shoulder in reassurance before taking his place beside Ephyra. "It won't be that bad."


JULY 23, 10:01 EDT

Yeah, fate must have hated both Ephyra and Flamewalker because their words were proved wrong.

Batman was pacing up and down the little line that the Team had formed, alongside one another: starting with Aqualad, leading down to Superboy; Aqualad, Robin, Kid Flash, Flamewalker, Miss Martian, Ephyra, and Superboy. "A simple recon mission: observe and report." His tone was low and stern as he debriefed the team and was now evaluating them. "You'll each receive a written evaluation detailing your many mistakes. Until then," He paused slightly, "Good job." Ephyra and her teammate's looked up and from and their stony, downcast expressions, turned to pleasant surprise. "No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy," He said before walking away. "How you adjust to the unforeseen is what determines success." He pauses in his direction way from them and calls over his shoulder before continuing. "And how you choose who leads determines character."

He disappeared as she had gotten somewhat used to (he is Batman) and exhaled. "Wow...horrified yet pleased," she remarked to herself.

Superboy smiled, before Miss Martian let out squeal and levitated a couple inches off the floor.

"I can't believe it! Our first mission was a success! Oh I know, to celebrate, I'll make breakfast or cookies...both," the green girl says cheerfully before flying off.

"Wait up Megalicious!" Wally yells speeding off to keep up with her.

Superboy rolls his eyes and follows after them with Aqualad and Robin, to go relax and eat.

Flamewalker began in the direction and Ephyra cleared her throat causing him to stop and glance back at her. "Thank you, for saving me from the falling catwalk," she says a bit awkwardly. "And I'm sorry," she adds with a genuine tone, guilt clear in her expression.

He shrugs, "Hey no worries. We were all just nervous for our first mission and that mounted for you because I come out of nowhere, where only Robin and Kid Flash know me, and almost take your rightful spot on the team. I would be pissed too, trust me." He says with a grin, before holding out his hand. "Weird-acquaintances-who-argue-every-other-day," he jokes with a cheeky expression.

She laughs and misses how his smile brightens and his cheeks are tinted a soft shade of pink before disappearing. She shakes her head smiling and shakes his hand. "I guess you mean, friend and teammate," she deadpans trying to form a serious tone.

He laughs. "Noted; friend slash teammate."

She lets go and shoves his shoulder in a good-natured way. "No more saving my life though; gives me a bad reputation as a hero and makes me look more like a damsel rather than a heroine, and I can't have that. Plus I can handle myself weirdo." She calls over his shoulder with him grinning after her before jogging to catch up, as they meet the others in the kitchen.


"All I recovered was this single ampule of Kobra-Venom," Sportmaster reported to vibrant screens.

"Perhaps it can be reversed engineered," suggests one of the screens, with a strong French accent. "Meanwhile, what of our young heroes? First Cadmus, the Misuer Twister; now Santa Prisca."

"Once is happenstance; twice is a coincidence; but three times is enemy action," says a screen with a deep slightly guttural voice. And enemies of The Light must not stand."

A/N: Holy...okay. Done with that. Honestly, I've been feeling disappointed with myself for these past chapters...not a lot of progress.
So first official mission. Check. New Teammate. Check. Team Leadership. Check. Bonding. Check.
Coming along so far and more soon to come.

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