Movie Night

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"Recognized: Ephyra B05."

She stepped out of a telephone booth, with a sign saying, Out of Order. She typed in the GPS on her phone and walked along the streets until she was downtown and entering a condominium. She followed the number he gave her and went to the second to last floor. She knocked on the door and Sean answered with a grin.

"Come in milady; mi casa es su casa."

Ephyra rolls her eyes walking in, "Charming as ever; shame you're not single." She paused, "For my gender I mean."

He just laughed closing the door, "Yep I'm everyone's dream but only few may experience the richness and fullness of...." He kisses his fingers like a pizza chef might after a beautiful pizza is made, "Sean."

Ephyra made a face. "Different name would have made that more mystical."

He pouts and sighs, "Ouch. Must you always deflate my ego?"

She smiles and pats his cheek and sighs as if in longing, "Someone has to and I - as hard as it is - will accept the burden."

He scoffs, "My bloody hero." Ephyra just laughs.

"Anyways, I never did get your name."

Ephyra pauses. She was such an idiot why didn't she see this coming. "Well I don't know you that well yet, but for now just call me Grant."

He raises an eyebrow, "Interesting choice and how do you not know me well."

It was Ephyra's turn for her eyebrow to rise, "Oh I don't know...maybe the fact that I just met you several days ago? Or the bigger fact that you live in Gotham City, instead of Central, where I met you; so why would you live here, but go to a café more than several states away from your home?"

Sean was silent before giving a shrug, "Alright, I'll give you that one." He walks down a couple of steps that lead into a modern living room with a view of the city, with a panorama view of windows. "Alright, to be honest, I didn't want you to know I" he said looking for the right word. "It's not that I thought you didn't have money or anything, but when you have money like my parents, people are always trying to fake friendship just to get close to it. Others just want to be able to say your name and have opportunities open up before them." He leans back on the couch resting his arm around the back of it as Ephyra sits down next to him and leans into the couch while she faces him. "Bottom line: I wanted you to know me as a normal person, not money person."

She frowned, "And you thought your choice of attire wouldn't clue me into the fact that you had money? Your watch looked pretty expensive and so did your clothes."

He gave her a sheepish look, "Yeah I suppose that was a pretty big clue," he admitted, before sighing. "Look...I don't have many other friends, well none that are near me to be honest. My parents treat me like any other rich kid and possibly a spoil me more, just to keep me out of their hair and to behave. Being gay isn't exactly a fun thing for me. My parents keep me around because I am a son and I can do the job just as well as my dad can, running his company would be easy." He sighs. "But otherwise they steer clear of me most of the times, only asking to remind me of certain events and giving me what I want when I ask. I have three other friends: One in Star City, whom intends to be a lawyer one day, and another in Central whom is trying to get into the News Reporter business. And the third..." He trails off and looks Ephyra in the eye, "Well I'm pretty sure I'm hoping I can count her as a third, even though I have no idea what her real name is and nothing else about her asides from that she can most likely handle herself against Bradley." He says giving a small smile, but the anxiety was clear in his eyes. "So to answer your question, I was in Central City spending time with my friend who lived there. My parents have a condo there, so I decided to spend some time there and I just happened to run into you. And we are."

Young Justice: EphyraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin